Open Management Architecture

Open Management Architecture

Release notes

---####----  Major Releases are new versions of OMA  ----####---
Version 8.5e
      -- BASE package
       * New menu items for omaroll and omaroll2
         You can now display informations about a client and an image
Version 8.5d
      -- BASE package
       * New menu items for omaroll and omaroll2
         You can now deploy local image partition and image in one step
Version 8.5c
      -- BASE package
       * Imagetypes *ntfs_g3_1.3.1* are moved to *ntfs_g3_2010.1.13*
         Imagetypes *ntfs_g3_4.12* are moved to *ntfs_g3_2011.4.12*
         This is useful for a right order of ntfs_g3 versions
         ntfs_g3_2010.1.13, ntfs_g3_2011.4.12, ntfs_3g_2012.1.15
       * New omauser account omaless3
         This account can manage single clients
         It is an operator acount to add and install new clients
         The account can create new subnet definitions
       * New omauser account omaless4
         This account can manage single clients
         It is an operator acount to add and install new clients
         This account can not create new subnet definitions
       * dist710.i386 and dist710.amd64 supports the partimage image types
         This is useful, if you have to backup large NTFS partitions
         which have only some data on it.
       * You must define an extra directory to import clients
         This is useful to seperate the import of client from the
         import of images, sofware packages and boot environments
      -- SOMA package
       * You can use the modes add and overwrite,
         if you select a software group for a client
Version 8.5b
      -- BOMA package
       * OMA account omalight is moved to omaless
       * OMA account omaligh2 is moved to omaless2
       * You have now startup scripts for all OMA default accounts
         e.g. /bin/omaadm (none GUI) and /bin/xomaadm (X-Window)
         e.g. /bin/omaroll (none GUI) and /bin/xomaroll (X-Window)
Version 8.5a
      -- SOMA package
       * You can select data levels, if you configure global settings
Version 8.4z
      -- BASE package
       * LOCALinstall OMA support a further final method
       * You can select data levels, if you configure a OMA server
Version 8.4y
      -- BASE package
       * You can select data levels, if you configure a network
Version 8.4x
      -- BASE package
       * New menu items for account omaroll2
         You can select a software group for rollout clients
         You can select a software group for one rollout client
         This is useful if you rollout different kind of
         installations to all clients in one rollout subnet.
         The clients receive the same image, but each client
         can have another setup of software packages.
Version 8.4w
      -- BASE package
       * New stack of configuration levels
         all, allnet, group, network, pattern, client
         This allows you to use the same hardware group for the
         clients even if you need different kernel definitions
         e.g. One kind of clients are using a network with
              dynamic IP allocation and other clients are
              using a network with static IP configuration.
       * New menu items for network configuration
         You can set/unset a management kernel for a network
      -- BOMA package
       * New menu items for network configuration
         You can set/unset bootprom files for a network
Version 8.4v
      -- BASE package
       * Each client put his IP address unter OMAmount/nfsrw
         if the client boots from network (z_Lastipaddr).
         This is useful if the client has received a dynamic
         IP address from a third party DHCP server.
       * You can turn on the use of the Lastipaddr information on
         all configuration levels (all,allnet,group,net,pattern,client).
       * New menu item for network configuration
         Base configuration for clients of a network
         This is useful, if a parameter for the clients can not
         set on the other levels (all,allnet,group,pattern,client)
       * New parameter for the base client configuration
         Managementpartion should mount nfsrw
Version 8.4u
      -- BASE package
       * New menu tree: "Imagelist of a network" This restrict
         the useable images for the clients of a network.
         This is useful, if you use one pattern for the clients
         but only one kind of clients have a dhcp configuration.
         The network paramter let you see only the image names
         with a dhcp configuration if the client is a member
         of the network.
       * New menu items for client lists
         You can run auto disk pattern detection for clients
         You can run auto hardware group detection for clients
Version 8.4t
      -- BASE package
       * You can use a dummy hardware group and a dummy pattern
         to import clients. This is useful, if you want switch
         your clients automaticallly later (e.g. switch group
         and pattern if you put the management partition)
       * New paramter for software groups (Noindigenf)
         This is useful for a dummy hardware group to supress
         all the checks around the creation of individual
         files for the clients.
       * You can define one default software group for each image
         This is useful, if you need this group on every client,
       * You have to allow the automatic usage of these image default
         software groups for a disk pattern. This is useful if you
         switch clients from one pattern to another automatically
         and if each pattern has his own image name for an
         operating system (e.g. Windows 7)
Version 8.4s
      -- BASE package
       * The wmicdsrmad methods wait a little bit after a client
         is removed from domain with the dsrm utility. This is
         useful if your domain is in slow motion mode.
       * The menu items to handle single rollout clients shows
         only the clients, that have images with a
         ROLLOUT or a ROLLALIAS statement.
Version 8.4r
      -- BASE package
       * New methods to join Windows 7 into a Windows Domain
         wmicdsrmad methods are using the program dsrm to remove
         a client from a Windows domain before the program wmic
         is used to join the computer into the Windows domain.
         This is necessary, if you join a client to an older
         Windows server system (e.g. Windows 2003 Server).
Version 8.4q
      -- BASE package
       * New menu items for omaroll and omaroll2
         item to change the mac address of an rollout client
         item to remove a rollout client
      -- BOMA package
       * New paramter for bootfiles
         You can set a bootfile name, which is used as an
         additional link to the real boot file. This is useful
         if a simple DHCP server (e.g. Windows) give all clients
         a dynamic IP address and the hostname can not be used to
         set the name of the bootfile. In this case, you can set
         the name mysystems.PXE for an OMA client, which has to
         use the simple DHCP server. If you activate the boot
         over network, mysystems.PXE is linked to the real
         bootfile. If you turn off boot over network,
         mysystems.PXE is linked to nothing.
Version 8.4p
      -- BASE package
       * New image paramter z_Changempartip
         This is useful if a client has a imagespecific
         client configuration and you need the IP
         address settings of the image to setup the
         IP address on the management partition too
         (e.g. deploy the client in a rollout center)
       * New image paramter z_UpdateLIP
         This is useful if a client has a local image
         partition and you need a setup of the client
         informations on the local image partition too
         (e.g. deploy the client in a rollout center)
Version 8.4o
      -- BASE package
       * New client keywords CLOCGROUP and CLOCATION
         The content is used to setup informations for
         a client in the Windows Domain if you use the
         wmicad methods to generate individual client
       * New keyword for individual image configuration
         This is useful if you install the management partition
         with a fixed IP address in a rollout center. The client
         comes up in the rollout center with the management
         partition and you install an image which has a
         imagespecific IP configuration. If it is necessary
         to change the IP of the management partition finally,
         you have to use this parameter (e.g. The final destination
         has no DHCP server to change the IP on the management
         partition automatically).
Version 8.4n
      -- BASE package
       * You have to allow the use of images for rollouts
         This is necessary to offer the image names for the
         rollout accounts omaroll and omaroll2
            This keyword is used for image names with a
            imagespecific client configuration. This is useful
            if you want move the rollout client to their real
            computernames, which are stored in the imagespecific
            client configuration
            This keyword is used for image names that are
            used for the deployment of images to rollout
            center clients.
Version 8.4m
      -- BASE package
       * The inital OMA installation set a value for z_Backconfdir
         The default value is .backup
       * New user accounts omaroll omaroll2
         These accounts can only handle clients for rollouts
       * You have to allow the use of images for rollouts
         This is necessary to offer the image names for the
         rollout accounts omaroll and omaroll2
       * New menu tree to import clients by OMA import format files
         This is useful if you use OMA to build a rollout center
       * New user accounts omainfo omainfo2
         omainfo can get only informations
         omainfo can get inventory informations too
Version 8.4l
      -- BASE package
       * The meneu item "Ckeck all images" has more options
Version 8.4k
      -- BASE package
       * The Linux based boot instance dist710.amd64 can be used
         as a OMA management partition. The management partition
         must have a size of one GByte to match the requirements
         of dist710 boot instances.
       * The HOME of root is now /root in all OMAdist boot instances
      -- BOMA package
       * If an OMA server has a list of networks, which are
         not accessable directly by a network card of the server,
         the file OMANETSRV contains network informations for
         all these networks too.
       * New paramter for boot instances to exclude the base servers
         from the file OMANETSRV on none base servers. This is
         useful, if the clients will never contact OMA base servers.
      -- TOMA package
       * If you define an imagenary OMA server, you must set
         now the subnet of the real system too. This allows
         OMA to make an entry for the imagenary OMA server
         in the file OMANETSRV.
       * The import of server data collections use now the
         defined TTOMA backupdir to save the old data.
Version 8.4j
      -- BASE package 
       * You can set an Nextimage IP address for each network
         This is useful, if your OMA server has a network card
         into network and you use indirect deployments.
       * If an OMA server has a list of networks, the file 
         OMANETSRV contains network informations for all 
         these networks too.
       * You can use lilo_22.3.2 bootmanager definitions
         for the old OMAdist dist3.0 environment.
Version 8.4i
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu item to remove hardware scans of hardware groups
       * New image types for ext4 file systems version 1.42.5
         This is useful to match the ext4 version of Debina 7.1.0
         or other Linux systems with the same ext4 version 
       * New image types for computers with NTFS file systems
         These image type have to be used for 
         OMAdist dist710.i386 and dist710.amd64  
         to use ntfs-3g tools version 2012.1.15.
Version 8.4h
      -- BASE package 
       * New set of pattern parameters to set volume size values.
         This is useful, if you want edit only the values and not
         the command that use these values.
       * New set of client pattern parameters to set volume sizes.
         This is useful, if you use different sizes for each
         client but the clients can taken all other disk
         parameters from a unique disk pattern.
Version 8.4g
      -- BASE package 
       * dist710.amd64 is a new Linux based boot instance
         to support some new versions of programs which
         make file systems (e.g. mke2fs, mkreiserfs)
         It is also a 64-bit boot instance to support programs, 
         which works only in a 64-bit environment (e.g. efibootmgr)
       * New set of image types to support the use of reiserfs 
         version 3.6.21, if you use Linux.dist710.i386
         or Linux.dist710.amd64
Version 8.4f
      -- BASE package 
       * 64bit kernels are available (_all_you_can_eat_*_x86_64)
         This is useful if you need a 64bit OMA management console
         system because some programs did no work on 32bit
         if you have a 64bit machine (e.g efibootmgr)
       * The 64bit kernels are compiled with 32bit support
         This is useful if a 64bit Linux sytstem has statically
         compiled 32bit programs (e.g. /sbin/grub on RedHat 6).
Version 8.4e
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu item "Special pattern configuration of an client"
         This is useful if you need individual UUID values for
         each filesystem for each client
       * dist710.i386 is a new build in Linux based boot instance
         to support some new version of programs which
         make file systems (e.g. mke2fs, mkreiserfs)
       * New client paramter z_Externcheck 
         This is useful if you have individual UUID values
         for each client and an external client database too.
         The check find out differencies between them.
Version 8.4d
      -- BASE package 
       * You can use the following MACRO definitions if you
         configure a pattern for the use of Volume Groups
              /sbin/vgremove -f    SYSPARTVG.1.3; 
              /bin/rm -r           SYSPART.1.3; 
              /sbin/pvcreate -uuid SYSPARTUUID.1.2 -ff -y SYSPART.1.2; 
              /sbin/vgcreate       SYSPARTVG.1.3          SYSPART.1.2;
         The pattern has these block devices:
              Systempartition.1.2 = /dev/sda2
              Systempartition.1.3 = /dev/vg00
              Systempartition.1.4 = /dev/vg00/LogVol00
              Systempartition.1.5 = /dev/vg00/LogVol01
              Systempartition_uu.1.2 = 11111
         The system will use these commands:
              /sbin/vgremove -f    LogVol00;
              /bin/rm -r           /dev/vg00;
              /sbin/pvcreate -uuid 11111 -ff -y /dev/sda2;
              /sbin/vgcreate       LogVol00     /dev/sda2;
       * New kind of pattern parameter to tune files systems
         This allows you to modify file systems especially
         if the make command do not allow the modification
         or it is more simply to use a tune command
         e.g. /sbin/tune2fs -o user_xattr,acl
       * New menu item to view a heterogenious client list
       * New global server paramter z_Backupdir1st to
         save new images into an extra directory
         This an extra backup which will be only overwritten
         if you remove the image manuall from this extra
       * New image paramter z_Imgmkfsoptions to
         use extra option to format a filesystem if the
         imagename refers to an archive image
         e.g. -b 4096
              to set the block size for a ext4 file system
Version 8.4c
      -- BASE package 
       * New methods to generate individual client settings
         win7_*_wmicwg_* methods use the command wmic to
         join a computer into a windows workgroup
       * New methods to generate individual client settings
         w2012srv_* to use the W2012SRVCAR values of a client
         This is useful, if you want deploy windows 8 and
         windows 2012 alternativly on the same clients
Version 8.4b
      -- BASE package 
       * New methods to generate individual client settings
         win7_*_wmicad_* methods use the command wmic to
         join a computer into a windows domain
         This is useful, if you want not use netdom.exe
         because netdom.exe is not a default part of Windows 7
       * Changed names to generate individual client settings
         win8_*_joinwg_* is moved to win8_*_wmicwg_*
Version 8.4a
      -- BASE package 
       * The X-Window interface is available for FreeBSD amd64
         This is useful, if you want use a FreeBSD system as a
         OMA server (e.g. Systems with PCBSD 9.1).
      -- TOMA package
       * New menu item to transfer OMAcontrol data to a secondary 
         server. Only a member ot the group omactrl has the right
         to transfer such data to secondary server. This is useful
         to check the local configuration of clients on secondary
         servers against the client configuration on base servers.
Version 8.3z
      -- BASE package 
       * OMA allows cindex.sec.$USERNAME instead of cindex.sec
         This is useful, if different users needs 
         different client lists on secondary servers.
       * New behaviour for the usage of networker save set id's.
         Only the configured recovery point will be used.
         This is useful, if you have some data in your backup,
         which needs a manual restore, after the recoverd 
         system is back automatically.
Version 8.3y
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu item to select an image for automatic
         installation from local OMA boot devices (e.g. USB stick)
         This is useful, if you have a touchpad that can boot
         from USB devices, but you have no keyboard available.
         (e.g. Samsung Slate 7 Touchpad)
       * New paramter in the image file of a pattern
         You can use the keyword BOOT to identify an image name
         as a name for a bootable partition. The result is an
         extra file, which contains only the image names of
         bootable images.
      -- TOMA package
       * New server paramter to compare DHCP files on other servers
         You can enter a list of server names. 
Version 8.3x
      -- BASE package 
       * The symbolic links in OMAmethoden/*links are obsolete
         OMA use now plain configuration file instead
Version 8.3w
      -- BASE package 
       * You can use mountpoint name legacy for zfs file systems
         This is useful for additional zpools (e.g. zpool home1)
       * The generated methods for freebsd (e.g. pcbsd 9.1)
         imports all importable zpools automatically first.
         This is useful because freebasd did not import
         none root zpools automatically after a deployment
         e.g. zpool home1
       * All procedures of OMA are using /mnt as the base
         directory of mount points for freebsd, because
         ZFS needs empty mount points. The directory /mnt
         is a ramdisk file system, if a client boots from 
         network into a freebsd OMA boot instance.
         Each client has his own /mnt, /etc and /var file system 
         in the memory and you can boot all clients from network 
         at the same time without any conflicts. This is useful 
         for multiple deployments of many cliens.
Version 8.3v
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu item to copy template files of images, which
         are used to generate individual files for clients.
       * New imagetype freebsd_1_create_only_zpool
         This is useful, if you need an image name to create
         only one zpool (e.g. more than one zpool on one disk)
       * New set of generated methods for freebsd (e.g. pcbsd 9.1)
      -- TOMA package
       * You can use the entry :clients: to define the database
         for a seondary server. This is useful, if you change
         client list for a secondary server and you must be
         shure that all necessary software package, images
         and boot instances will be copied to the secondary
Version 8.3u
      -- BASE package 
       * Clients with no managementpartiton on disk can have
         a management partition on a bootable USB stick
       * You can select a kernel and a ramdisk, if you
         write a the OMA management console on a 
         bootable USB stick
       * You can find a predefined ramdisk name in OMAinitrd.
         This is useful if you must select a ramdisk for a kernel,
         but you need no ramdisk for the selected kernel.
Version 8.3t
      -- BASE package 
       * New cycle to deploy images
         This is useful if yo deploy an image to a client,
         which has already all necessary partitions
         e.g. The first part of a system has Windows and
         the second part of a system has Linux. On the 
         windows part you use different types of partitions, 
         because you use different windows installations.
         But the deployment of Windows creates always
         the partitions for Linux on the second part.
         Use this new cycle to deploy Linux, if you
         want ot be shure that the windows system
         keeps untouched any time at all.
       * You can define ALIAS login accounts for LOCALinstall OMA
         This is useful, if you use a LOCALinstall OMA login account
         (e.g. lmount2), but you want to use the login name 1 instead.
         By this way you can use LOCALinstall OMA on touchscreen 
         computers and you need only a USB keypad as your keybord.
         You can define ALIAS login accounts for halt, reboot and reset.
         e.g. use 0 instead of halt
         e.g. use 00 instead of reboot
         e.g. use 000 instead of reset
         All in all a USB keypad is enough if you install your
         touchscreen computer from a LOCALinstall OMA 
         bootable USB stick.
       * OMAindi_getlists is moved to OMAindi_getf_lists
Version 8.3s
      -- BASE package 
       * The LOCALinstall OMA environment supports the 
         ntfs resize functionality for Windows images. 
       * reset is a new login acount for LOCALinstall OMA
         This account remove the OMAlastaction file.
         This is useful, if you must restart a local deployment
         and you do not need the remarks about successful steps
         of the last local deployment.
Version 8.3r
      -- BASE package 
       * You can boot clients with UEFI BIOS setups from network.
         No special DHCP server settings are necessary to do this.
         You must only allow the network boot in the UEFI BIOS setup.
         Some UEFI BIOS versions have very special requirements 
         to allow an network boot (e.g. set a supervisor password).
         Sometimes it is easier to switch into Legay BIOS.
Version 8.3q
      -- BASE package 
       * syslinux version 6.01 is supported to boot clients
         with the OMAnfsroot boot environment dist3.1a
       * grub2_x86_64_efi is supported to boot clients
         with the OMAnfsroot boot environment dist3.1a
      -- BOMA package 
       * pxelinux_6_01 is a new option, 
         if you create bootfiles for NFSroot OMA boot 
       * grub2_x86_64_efi is a new option
         if you create bootfiles for NFSroot OMA boot 
Version 8.3p
      -- BASE package 
       * The kernel _all_you_can_eat.3.11.0 is available
       * The kernel _all_you_can_eat.3.4.8 is available
Version 8.3o
      -- SOMA package 
       * New menu items to run an inventory offline.
         This kind of inventory works, if you boot a client
         into an OMA management console (e.g. boot via PXE)
         This makes it possibke to check your hardware
         idependent from the installed operationg system
Version 8.3n
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu tree to manage template files of images
         to generate individual files for clients
         e.g. /etc/rc.conf for FreeBSD
       * You can generate hostnames for FreeBSD 9.x images
Version 8.3m
      -- BASE package 
       * New functional accounts omasoft and omasoft2 to
         allow operators the simple creation of new
         software packages with few menu items only
       * The deployment of FreeBSD 9.0 or newer versions 
         with a pure ZFS disk layout is supported now 
       * New FreeBSD_zfs image types
      -- BOMA package
       * You can build boot instances from FreeBSD 9.0
         and newer versions (e.g. PCBSD 9.1)
      -- TOMA package
       * New server parameter to deny the local backup of
         data before the transfer of new data starts
         (e.g images, software packages, boot instancies).
         This is useful if the server is no one the both
         possible base servers and avoid full filesystems
         on OMA servers with less disk space.
Version 8.3l
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu item to change group and pattern 
         of a clientin one step
       * Prefdefined data collections collect all image 
         names behind an ALIAS image name automatically.
Version 8.3k
      -- BASE package 
       * New clientinfo parameter - networkerssidate
         This parameter displays the networker save set IDs
         for the networker recovery date of client.
       * New clientinfo parameter - nw2clnaddssidate
         This parameter displays and save the networker save set IDs
         for the networker recovery date of client.
       * New image type for Solaris sparc systems
         This is useful to format a disk and create a 
         ZFS zpool by one single imagename.
       * New special effect for Solaris sparc
Version 8.3j
      -- BASE package 
       * New imagetypes for MacOS X
         This new type must be used for Snow Leopard and
         newer versions of MacOS X. The use of cpio under
         Snow Leopard has a conflict with some obscure
         new features of the HFS+ filesystem version
         of Snow Leopard (e.g. hard links to directories). 
       * New imagetype for MacOS X
         This new image type can be used for Tiger and older 
         versions of MacOS X without the dscl program
       * New OMA LessTif library for x86_64 Linux systems 
         e.g. Debian 6.0.7
       * X-Windows OMA programs are compiled for x86_64 Linux
         e.g. Debian 6.0.7
Version 8.3i
      -- BASE package 
       * New pattern parameter: serial number of disks
         This is useful, if you create disk pattern
         for solaris systems with disk serial numbers
         in device names. You can enter the serial number
         only once and use the makro SERIALNUMBER as 
         a place holder in the device names.
         Serial number of disk one: HG678JGKLMBQ0B77
         Device file name for grub: /dev/rdsk/c0t1SERIALNUMBERd0s0
         Device file name slice 3 : /dev/rdsk/c0t1SERIALNUMBERd0s3
       * New option to edit disk pattern values: _serialnumber
         This makes it possible to change all serial numbers
         of all configured disks in one mask.
       * New item for omanano and omanano2
         Change disk pattern of client
         This is useful to allow the change of serial numbers for
         the hard disks of an disk pattern.
       * New image types for MacOS X to create JHFS+ file systems
         This is necessary for SnowLeopard and Lion
Version 8.3h
      -- BASE package 
       * The kernel _all_you_can_eat.3.8.4 is available
Version 8.3g
      -- SOMA package 
       * OMA checks the MAC address of the client identifier card
         if you deploy software to a client. OMA looks for the 
         file /OMAMACID/omamacid to find the MAC address of the 
         client identifier card. The best way to provide the file 
         /OMAMACID/omamacid is the use of an software package. 
         You can use the demo package 0_win0all_omamacid_2_cygwin.
Version 8.3f
      -- BASE package 
       * You can use all configured network cards as
         OMA management cards (e.g. card one and two)
       * You see all OMA management cards if you deploy
         or recover a client. This is useful if a client
         offer more than one OMA management card.
         e.g. The client is able to boot from LAN or from
              WLAN into the OMA management console.
              OMA client name: slate3
              OMA ip name one: slate3
              OMA ip name two: slate3wlan
      -- SOMA package 
       * You can use now 42 differnet ways to deploy software 
         ONLINE to an client. If you select e.g. the parameter 
         OMA will try all network cards, which are configured 
         for ONLINE software deployment.
Version 8.3e
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu item to create a bootable OMA management
         USB stick with grub 0.97 as the bootloader.
         This is useful to avoid the use of syslinux 
         for the creation of a bootable stick.
      -- SOMA package 
       * If a client has more than one OMA management card,
         you can use these cards to deploy software online.
         This is useful if the client is not acessable over LAN
         e.g. notebook systems and touchpads with a docking station
Version 8.3d
      -- BASE package 
       * You can use card 2 to 19 as additional management cards
         This is useful to setup LAN and WLAN too, if the client
         boot into the OMA management console.
       * You can define one network card of an OMA client
         as the client identifier card (e.g. card number 2)
         This is useful to identify a client, which boots
         from the LAN card of a docking station. If
         the on board WLAN card is your client identifier card, 
         you can boot the touchpad in each docking station, 
         but the OMA system deploys the right data to the client.
         (Boot touchpad slate2 in the docking station of slate3)
       * New image type to deploy Solaris ZFS installtions
         Use this image type for the root image name
Version 8.3c
      -- BASE package 
       * Windows 8 support
         Base methods are working (win8_1_hostname_*)
         Set workgroup methods are working (win8_2_*_joinwg_*)
       * Informations about a client and an image shows
         software packages of hardware group and client
         in a seperate list.
Version 8.3b
      -- BASE package 
       * New menu items to add additional kernels and ramdisk.
         You can add or delete the files on all four OMA levels.
         (all clients, hardware group, disk pattern, one client)
         This is useful to avoid an overflow for the management
         partition, if you use a lot of additional kernels.
       * Mount points for disk patterns can have two parts
         seperated by @. This is useful to recover zfs
         filesystem which are used for solaris zones.
         e.g. /rpool/data_zone/root@/data
Version 8.3a
      -- BASE package 
       * ALL 1300 menu items are available in the WEB interface
       * You can install OMA in FreeBSD 9.0
       * New clientinfo parameter - nw2clndelssid
         This is useful to handle save set ids for an recovery
         The parameter nw2clnaddssid add this information
         The parameter nw2clndelssid delete this information
       * New menu items to create disk scans of clients
         This is useful to find out all disks and all
         partitions which are in use on a client.
         You can use the scan to configure or overwrite the
         values in the disk definition of a disk pattern.
       * New parameters for image transfers (_XSTOPPKG_...)
         This is useful, if you need break after a certain
         software package deployment to control anything.
         e.g. Put an image and set the stop after package four
Version 8.2z
      -- BASE package
       * New clientinfo parameter - nw2clnaddssid
       * New pattern value for block devices - special_root
         This is useful, if you have the file grub/grub.conf
         always on the same disk partition (e.g. /dev/sda2).
      -- TOMA package
       * Fix wrong package permissions on destination servers.
         This is useful to avoid error messages due to
         wrong permissions if you transfer an package.
      -- SOMA package
       * The example package for the networker recoverry
         use the ssid values of a client, if they exists.
Version 8.2y
      -- BASE package
       * You can mark an wrong recovery step as an success.
         This is useful, if you have unstable return codes
         of 3th party backup programs (e.g. networker)
       * Two new OMA accounts are available
         omanano  - pure recovery menu interface with six items
         omanano2 - pure deployment menu interface with six items
       * New submenu "Manage permissions for OMA admins"
         You can edit the permissions list,
         add key words to the permissions list or 
         delete key words from the permission list..
         Available permissions list are
         At least you should define a Clientkeysdlgall list for 
         the new OMA accounts omanano and omanano2.
         e.g. allow ETHERNET and NETWORKER only
      -- TOMA package
       * New parameter to define the last OMA server which has
         to receive data from the first OMA base server.
         Normally you should define the second 
         OMA base server as the last OMA server.
Version 8.2x 
      -- BASE package
       * New parameter for OMA server setup
         The ssh access timeout can be set for the sender too.
      -- BOMA package
       * You can create RedHat 5.8 boot instances
      -- VOMA package
       * New items to restore VOMA clients on real clients
         Restore only the configured clients on real clients
         Restore only the configured clients on a real client
Version 8.2w 
      -- BASE package
       * New parameter "networkerssid" for client informations
         It shows the SaveSet ID numbers of the last backup.
Version 8.2v 
      -- BASE package
       * The kernel _all_you_can_eat.3.4.3 is available
       * New image type to run fdisk, mkfs and vgcreate
         for LVM2 in one step. Take a look at the Linux LVM2
         example in the actual documentation for the details.
       * New image type to run mkfs and write_grub  
         for Linux in one step. Take a look at the Linux
         example in the actual documentation for the details.
      -- BOMA package
       * You can build boot instances from RedHat 6.2 (Santiago)
Version 8.2u 
      -- BASE package
       * More selections if you want change pattern parameters
         e.g. Modify system partitions names and mount points
       * You can setup mirror or raidz zfs pools, if you
         configure the special command line for the 1st disk
         of an harddisk pattern.
       * New image type to run fdisk, format and zpool commands
         for solaris in one step. Take a look at the solaris
         zfs example in the actual documentation for the details.
       * You can catch the menu.lst file of solaris x86 as an
         individual retrieved files of pattern or group.
         This is useful, if you want place solaris on different
         primary partitions and you need a different
         findroot entry in the menu.lst file.
         e.g. findroot (pool_rpool,0,a)
         e.g. findroot (pool_rpool,1,a)
Version 8.2t 
      -- BASE package
       * New image type to run parted 
         This is useful, if you setup one extra image name
         as the initial image name of an ALIAS agreement
         to be shure that the parted command runs only once
         for an deployment or recovery process.
       * New image types to avoid the use of partition files
         This is useful if an initial image name makes the
         partitions for all file systems (e.g. run_parted)
       * New image type to write the master boot record only
         This is useful if an final image name must write the
         master boot record to fix wrong informations from
         earlier images names in an ALIAS agreement.
       * Newer methods to create ZFS file systems and ZFS pools
         You can now use the disks and partitons commands feature
         of an pattern to set additional ZFS parameters.
         e.g. zfs set refquota=50G ZFSNAME
       * Two new OMA default client parameters
         This is useful, if you want use the example recover
         software packages for your recovery purposes.
         You can use these values for any other 
         none OMA backup program too.
       * New kind of pattern parameters - mount commands
         This is used by the example software package 
         to mount all partition under the bigball
         directory if networker or netbackup are
         used in a recovery process.
Version 8.2s 
      -- BASE package
       * More selections if you want change pattern parameters
         e.g. Modify system disks device names only
      -- SOMA package
       * OMA offers now six kind of software packages
         - normal packages
         - build packages
         - inv packages
         - recover packages
         - scan packages
         - voma packages
         You can use recovery software packages to move
         informations about file system devices from
         a pattern to a recovery parameter file.
       * Extra menu item to create none normal packages
         This item shows you only the existing packages
         with the selected special function (e.g. voma).
       * New type of OFFLINE script for software packages
         OFFLINE prerecover script
         OMA offers examples if you create an OFFLINE prerecover script
       * New management parameter on all four OMA levels
         Recovery parameter file of all clients
         Recovery parameter file of hardware group
         Recovery parameter file of disk pattern
         Recovery parameter file of client
         The recovery parameter file is used by the 
         OFFLINE prerecover script of a recovery software package
         OMA offers examples if you create a recovery parameter file
       * New keyword for image names in pattern configurations
Version 8.2r 
      -- BASE package
       * Three LILO versions are now available in dist3.1 and dist3.1a
         lilo_22.3.2  lilo_22.8  lilo_23_2
         For backward compatibility the keyword lilo_old refers to
         lilo_22.3.2 and the old style OMA lilo configuration scripts.
       * The number of pattern recover points depends no longer from
         the number of system disks and system partitions.
       * The menu item "View client informations" ask you
         now for a level. This useful if you need not everything.
       * You can select networker as one possible level
         of informations about a client.
       * You enter a global list of networker server ip adresses
      -- TOMA package
       * You enter a list of networker server ip adresses for
         each OMA server. This is useful if an OMA server
         can not reach each networker server
Version 8.2q 
      -- BASE package
       * Support of e2fsprogs version 1.41.12 for OMAdist 3.1 and 3.1a
         This is useful, if you must use ext4 filesystem (e.g. RHEL 6.2)
       * You can enter UUID's for ext3/ext4 file systems on OMA pattern
         or for an imagename. The UUID will be used, if OMA creates
         ext3/ext4 file systems for you.
       * You can deploy OMA user accounts online to Solaris systems
      -- BOMA package
       * New menu item to update an BOMA boot instance without dialog
         This is useful for complex boot instances (e.g. Solaris x86)
      -- TOMA package
       * New server based parameter for automatic data transfer
         This makes it possible to allow data transfer and
         automatic data transfer independent from each other.
       * New global and server based parameter for pattern handling
         Automatic transfer of new disk IDs to the base server
       * New menu items to create disk pattern on local servers
         This is useful, if you must work always on local sites
         e.g. create a new disk pattern locally
              input hard disk IDs for the new pattern locally
              move an existing client to the new disk pattern locally
              get partition shemes for the new disk pattern locally
Version 8.2p 
      -- BASE package
       * New menu item to copy all OMA CD data into the ramdisk
         This is useful to use the OMA CD iso file as a PXE bootfile
         or as a virtual device for console interfaces like iLO
       * New programs to get slice configuation online from Solaris
       * You can make OMA boot CD/DVD with grub 0.97 as bootloader
         This avoid the usage of an inital ramdisk as root filesystem
         You can use directly all OMAdist versions as root filesystem
      -- TOMA package
       * New programm to save harddisk scans to OMA backup 
Version 8.2o 
      -- SOMA package
       * You can select the amount of info for software packages
         if you use the menu item to display package informations
      -- TOMA package
       * New parameter for server control (hpasmcli.powersupply)
         This is useful, if the command hpasmcli is available
      -- VOMA package
       * OMA ask you for a bootmode, if you create VOMA clients
       * OMA ask you for a bootmode, if you rebuild VOMA clients
       * New menu item to create one VOMA client for a client list
       * New menu item to create all VOMA client for a client list
       * You can test VOMA client configurations for client list
       * You can have unused system disks and system partitions
         if you use the none graphical interface of OMA
Version 8.2n 
      -- BASE package
       * A patched version of kernel is available
         Disk controller support is included for ATI SATA SB700
         Network support is included for extra Marvell Yukon cards
         The versions are compiled with gcc 4.1.2 (none extension)
         or with gcc 3.3.5 (extension use_gcc_3.3.5)
       * You can define X window programs to view OMA doc files
         You can define an viewer for OMA doc_ps files
         You can define an viewer for OMA doc_pdf files
         e.g. xpf because this program has a search function
         The default program ist ghostview, if you define nothing
       * The command lspci in OMAdist 3.x is using now an actual
         file /usr/share/misc/pci.ids. This is useful, if you 
         use the OMA functions for automatic hardware detection 
      -- VOMA package
       * New menu item to recover one VOMA client of real client
       * New menu item to recover all VOMA client of real client
       * New extra VOMA menu tree for client lists
       * New menu item to recover one VOMA client for a client list
       * New menu item to recover all VOMA client for a client list
Version 8.2m 
      -- BASE package
       * dist3.1 and dist3.1a have now two LILO version available
         These versions are lilo_22.3.2 and lilo_22.8
         For backward compatibility the keyword lilo_old refers to
         lilo_22.3.2 and the old style OMA lilo configuration scripts.
       * New menu items to manage the reboot bootmanager settings
         for the management partition on pattern or client level
Version 8.2l 
      -- BASE package
       * New menu items to set editor/X-editor commands for
         additional OMA admin accounts (e.g. arosoft)
         This is useful to use secure individual editor programs
         e.g. nano --restricted
       * Additional copy modes are available, if you copy an
         image specific client configuration
      -- VOMA package
       * OMA creates all Tmp directories for all VOMA clients,
         if you import a TOMA server data collection.
      -- TOMA package
       * All remote command calls are using now LANG=C definition
         to avoid none english remote error messages.
Version 8.2k 
      -- BASE package
       * The key combination CTRL-C in the none graphical user 
         interface of OMA is now only alowed for omaadm OMA users.
       * Two new base parameters for a pattern.
         The use of these two paramters makes it no longer
         necessary to set these values for each archiv image
         Parameter "Archivfind" to set a find option (e.g. -mount)
         Parameter "Archivcpio" to set a cpio -o option (e.g. -ov)
Version 8.2j 
      -- BASE package
       * The extra menu item for archive image configuration is obsolete
         All parameters can be set, if you configure image paramters.
       * New parameter for hardware groups NoAutoClnUpdate
         This is useful to avoid the automatic update of an client 
         after a switch to a new group
      -- TOMA package
       * Data collections of OMA server configurations have version file
         The OMA actual version must match the version in the version file
         This forbid the usage of old data collections in new OMA versions.
Version 8.2i 
      -- BASE package
       * The data of omacontrol are moved from OMAclnX to OMActrlX
         This is useful to avoid the lost of this data,
         if a client was removed from the system
Version 8.2h 
      -- BASE package
       * You can use the makro OMASERVER if you configure
         the NFS server parameters of a network. 
         This is useful if more than one OMA server support a network.   
      -- SOMA package
       * You can select config groups if you configure a package
       * You can use the HTML mask to change global SOMA settings
       * You can use the HTML mask to change package settings
      -- TOMA package
       * Only the networks of a OMA server are written to the
         DHCP server database file, if you have defined
         networks for an OMA server
       * You can define a NFS server IP address for 
         each network of an OMA server
Version 8.2g ---####--- Major Release ---####---
             !!!!!! YOU MUST UPDATE ALL BOOT INSTANCES !!!!!!
      -- BASE package
       * You must define an extra directory for the bootfiles.
         You must define an extra directory for the bootfile backup.
         You must define an extra directory for NFSroot add on files.
         This is necessary, because many network boot processes are
         using now very large initial ramdisk files.
         Please use menu item: 8-1-3
       * You must update each boot instance. This is
         necessary to move all bootfiles from the old
         directory OMAboot/OMAbootprom to your new 
         defined directory for the bootfiles.
         Please use menu item: 7-6-2-1
       * New parameteters for disk pattern: Recoverpoints
         This is useful, if you want restore files from a 3th party 
         product, but you need only files on certain file systems
         (e.g. usable in networker recovery scripts, 
               if you recover a zfs snapshot file only).
       * New image type 0_DO_NOTHING_for_software_packages_only
         This is useful on recovery processes for Solaris ZFS,
         if you use a combination of OMA and networker or netbackup.
       * New values for each OMA server to configure OMAwatch
         Which services to watch ?
            base1    ssh access to the basesever1
            base2    ssh access to the basesever2
            network  ping access to the networks gateway IP address
Version 8.2f
      -- BASE package
       * New OMAnfsroot master platform: macosx_x86_64bit
         This is useful to support MacOS X Snow Leopard
         on 64 bit clients. You can boot the clients into
         OMA management with an externl boot disk or over
         the network via OMAnfsroot Boot.
       * New menu tree structure to edit or view logfiles. 
         The menu items offer now existing logfiles only.
      -- TOMA package
       * The data transfer to a secondary server use the
         extra IP name of the server, if an extra IP name
         for data transfer to other OMA servers is defined.
         This is useful if a OMA server has more than one
         interface to transfer data to other OMA server
         and you want prefer the faster line.
Version 8.2e
      -- BASE package
       * Usage of dhclient on the management partition
       * One single menu item to edit logfiles of a client
         The new menu item display only the existing logs.
Version 8.2d
      -- BASE package
       * New image types for NTFS
Version 8.2c
      -- BASE package
       * New network paramater z_Tftpserverip
         This is useful, if you use PXE config files from
         the IBM Tool Center and if you have seperate
         TFTP servers for different networks.
       * New server paramater z_Tftpserverip
         This is useful, if more than one OMA server supports
         PXE config files from the IBM Tool Center in a subnet
       * New menu item to change single values of a hardware group
Version 8.2b
      -- BASE package
       * You can set a command to change the harddisk IDs
         informations finally. This is useful if you must
         find the right pattern with the help of the
         harddisk IDs, but the harddisk ID contains
         the serial number of the hard disk.
       * New menu item to create bootprom bootfiles from ITC
         If you create a pxedir with the IBM Tool Center,
         you can import the files to an OMA boot instace.
         This is useful to patch IBM hardware automatically 
         You can now create five different kind of PXE bootfiles
         - NFSroot OMA bootfile
         - LOCALroot OMA bootfile
         - BOOTdisk OMA bootfile
         - BOOTiso OMA bootfile
         - BOOTitc OMA bootfile
       * Two new parameters for hardware groups to activate
         or deactivate the boot from network, if a client
         is switched to the group. This is useful, if you
         must change the group to boot BIOS patch files
         over the network (e.g. patch a blade server hs22).
      -- BOMA package
       * You can build boot instances from RedHat 5.3 (Tikanga)
Version 8.2a
      -- BASE package
       * You can generate IP configurations for Solaris images
         without a broadcast value in the client configuration.
       * A new bad message of the solaris ping program is now
         included in the success check of the ping command.
Version 8.1z
      -- BASE package
       * The kernel _all_you_can_eat.2.6.36 is available
       * New menu item to create bootprom bootfiles from ISO
         This is useful for installations and patches.
         You can now create four different kind of PXE bootfiles
         - NFSroot OMA bootfile
         - LOCALroot OMA bootfile
         - BOOTdisk OMA bootfile
         - BOOTiso OMA bootfile
Version 8.1y
      -- BASE package
       * A pattern template can have disk lines to configure the
         parameters of all disks for a new pattern
       * New menu item to create all commands for a pattern template
       * New menu item to run all commands for a pattern template
       * New menu item to add a client to a OMA user client list
       * New menu item to remove a client from a OMA user client list
       * Informations about image and client shows software
         groups, which match the software list of the client
Version 8.1x
      -- BASE package
       * Personal accounts can have an own omacln or omacln2 menu
       * New menu item for omacln2 to use pattern templates
       * OMA create checksums for all partitionig files
      -- TOMA package
       * New menu item to edit a list oma OMA users for secondary servers
         This is useful, if you need not all SSH keys 
         of all OMA users on a n secondary server
       * New server parameter to configure a server as a DHCP standby server
         This is useful to avoid the automatic start of the DHCP server,
         but maintain the inital setup of the DHCP configuration file, 
Version 8.1w
      -- BASE package
       * lmount accounts on the LIP supports now PartImage images too
       * New menu items to use pattern templates for pattern configuration
Version 8.1v
      -- BASE package
       * New menu items to deploy only ALIAS agreements of images 
         which have an imagespecific client configuration 
       * New values for automatic hard disk detection. 
         You can use the harddisk IDs and the hard disk parameters 
         together to detect exactly which harddisks are in use.
         You can configure one command to find the harddisk IDs.
         You can configure another command to find the harddisk 
Version 8.1u
      -- BASE package
       * OMAmodul/OMAwin7tools must be used for Windows 7 programs
       * Before you get an Windows7 master image, you must install
         netdom.exe into Windows 7. Windows 7 and Vista both have 
         their own NETDOM.EXE, for 32-bit and 64-bit.
         Download the Windows 7 Remote Server Administration (RSTA) tools: 
         Install RSAT (After you have extracted the tools):
         start /w pkgmgr /n:%SystemDrive%\Install\RSAT\Windows6.1-KB958830-x86.xml
         Enable some RSAT tools (including NETDOM)
         start /w pkgmgr /iu:
         You will then have a "c:\windows\system32\netdom.exe" 
         that supports the 'older' Netdom syntax.
Version 8.1t
      -- BASE package
       * OMA user accounts can have host dependend client lists
       * You can use the harddisk ID in scan commands of hard disks.
         e.g. /var/nfsro/oma_bin/ ..HARDDISKID..
      -- SOMA package
       * You can define software groups on hardware groups.
         By this way all clients of a hardware group will
         receive the packages of the software group.
       * Extra menu tree to handle software groups on hardware groups.
Version 8.1s
      -- BASE package
       * Yout can define more reduced data for the account omacln2
       * The account omacln2 has now more items to support the
         addition of recovery clients completely
       * New item to compare client configurations by normal users
         This item compare only the last client check, 
         which was made by users outside the omactrl user group
      -- TOMA package
       * New item to watch all OMA servers by the OMA base server
         You can use this feature in a cron job too. 
         You can find cron example scripts in Examples/OMAwatch
       * New values for each OMA server to configure OMAwatch
         1st value: Must the server accessable ?
         2nd value: Which services to watch ?
               e.g. dhcp nfs tftp rarp bootparam portmap
Version 8.1r
      -- BASE package
       * New image type solaris_x86_1_format_only_fdisk_write0
         This is useful to destroy old wrong labels ond disks.
         OMA write 1000 bytes of zeroes on the diks, before
         the fdisk command write the partition table and the
         format command write the solaris slices.
Version 8.1q
      -- BASE package
       * New items to start deployments in background
         These items are using an at job (at +1minute)
         This is useful for remote session to an OMA server,
         if these session will be interruped due to lack
         of session activities (e.g. a long time working 
         none OMA backup command like networker ot bprestore)
       * New Login account omacln2 to add new projects as simple as possible.
         e.g. create locations, disk pattern, hardware groups, clients
         The viewable pattern and hardware groups can be restricted
         e.g. View only the example pattern and groups or ...
       * You can create OMAcontrol entries for all images of 
         a client or for all ALIAS agreements of a client
       * You can create OMAcontrol entries for all images of 
         a client list or for all ALIAS agreements of a client list
      -- TOMA package
       * New value for the OMA server configuration
         You must allow the https login for each OMA server
       * New item to configure a boot instance for two values
         Must a client a part of an OMA server subnet ?
         Is additonal software necessary to complete a ramdisk boot
         e.g. Networker, Netbackup or other 3th party products.
Version 8.1p
      -- BASE package
       * New item to change only the network of an OMA server IP name.
       * New menu items to create lists of removable files in 
         conjunction with the use of example lists
       * You can set the maximum number of network cards
         in each hardware group to a group specific value
       * New item to check the status of all reported clients
      -- TOMA package
       * You can restrict transfer of client data into system files.
         e.g. the /etc/hosts entry should only allowed, if the 
         actual OMA server has the same network as the client
         You can set this restriction for networks, hardware groups,
         pattern or single clients. By this way, you can have
         two clients with identical IP adresses, if each client
         is a member of another network and has another OMA server.
Version 8.1o
      -- BASE package
       * OMA handle disk numbers for Solaris (e.g. SAS disks)
         If you configure a pattern for solaris you can use
         the macro ..DISKNUMBER.. as a part of the device name
         e.g. /dev/dsk/c0t5..DISKNUMBER..d0s2 
         By this way each members of a pattern can have another
         device name for the same disk equipment but in OMA you
         need only one pattern for all these computers and 
         you can deploy in the same way like on normal disks.
      -- SOMA package
       * New items to check the status of clients via client lists
       * New parameters for software packages
         - List of users, which have the right to change the package
         - Deny data check for the status control of clients
         - Deny script check for the status control of clients
Version 8.1n
      -- BASE package
       * A flag file is used, if you put an image to an client
       * You can supress the next X-Windows dialog mask,
         if a menu item offer more than one (e.g. edit pattern)
       * You must remove your $HOME/Xrdialog file to get the
         text for the new buttons in the OMA X-Window masks
       * The l2mount login on the MP works now for partimage images
      -- TOMA package
       * You can use the keyword swclass to reference to list
         of software packages for a secondary server
Version 8.1m
      -- BASE package
       * The l2mount login on the MP works now for partimage images
       * New menu items to add or remove WEB user accounts for OMA
       * You can switch to another OMA server in the HTML interface
       * The HTML interface works now with a real login data base
         Only the accounts omaadm, arosoft can add new users
         to the html interface by default.
       * HTML interfaces for personalized accounts are possible
      -- BOMA package
       * New item to check the status of BOOTPROM clients
Version 8.1l
      -- BASE package
       * New global value to define a directory for data sources
       * You can select a group of values (e.g. hardiskid), 
         if you change a disk pattern to reduce the number of 
         masks and/or questions
      -- SOMA
       * New item to build software packages from data sources
Version 8.1k
      -- SOMA
       * New item to run diagnostics about inventory summaries
         e.g. Convert an OMA server iventory into CLI scripts
	 This is useful to held a lot of OMA servers on the same
	 configuration level, even you allow local configurations
Version 8.1j
      -- BASE package
       * You can define recovery mount points for each partition
         This is useful, if the volumes names differ from
         the recovery mount points (e.g. /boot1 and /boot).
Version 8.1i
      -- BASE package
       * You can define a local backup partition for the LIP
         This is useful, if the image is stored locally only.
      -- TTOMA
       * You can define a second base server to save all important
         logfiles on two base servers. If you equalize the two
	 base server all the importent log files are a part
	 of the data transfer to the other base server.
       * The data transfer to secondary servers transfer only
         the locations of the clients of a secondary server
       * The data transfer to secondary servers transfer only
         the networks of the clients of a secondary server
Version 8.1h
      -- SOMA
       * New menu item to add software groups to imagegroups
       * New menu item to remove all software from imagegroups
      -- TTOMA
       * OMA displays the name LINK if an online add on script of
         a package is a link to an offline add on script
Version 8.1g
      -- BASE package
       * You can select an mode, if you get partition tables only.
         The online mode is useful for Linux systems.
       * OMA get the .pt file, if you get an archiv image online.
         This feature is restricted to suitable image types.
       * New parameter for archiv images, if you get them online
         If the parameter is turned on, OMA handle missing 
         files as hints and not as errors.
       * New global parameter to set your favourite viewer program
         You can use a view mode for logfiles in customized menu items
	 This is useful, if the editor allows an escape to the shell.
Version 8.1f
      -- BASE package
       * Customized menu trees can differ on primary and secondary
         servers. This is useful, if an customized OMA acount has
	 different aims on primary and secondary servers.
       * New item to remove partitioning scripts
      -- TTOMA
       * Support of standy OMA servers sytems.
       * New menu items to copy images to standby OMA servers.
       * You can turn on the DHCP root path bugfix on each OMA server
         This is useful if you must work with wrong DHCP servers
	 on your OMA server systems.             
Version 8.1e
      -- BASE package
       * New menu tree to get images for a list of clients
      -- SOMA
       * New menu item to import an unpacked exported package
      -- TTOMA
       * Data transfer of customized menu trees of secondary servers.
       * Data tranfer of image configuratins to secondary servers,
         even if the secondary server has not an image list. This 
	 is useful, if images are only stored in a secondary server
Version 8.1d
      -- BASE package
       * You can define bond interfaces as Linux network cards
         Up to 19 bond interfaces can be defined, because OMA
         supports up to 19 Linux network cards for each client.
	 OMA adds missing "alias bond" lines to /etc/modules.conf
	 You must call again in your images, 
	 before you can use this feature.
       * New image types for LVM images
	 These types are useful, if you need a partition before
	 you can create a volume_group. Use the types, if your
	 client has only one network card.
      -- TTOMA
       * An OMA server name can differ from the computername
         This is useful, if you must switch a secondary
	 server as fast as possible to another system.
	 You must only enter the new system computername
	 on the cetral OMA server and the switch works.
      -- VOMA
       * New menu item to deploy virtual machines online
         for the first time. This is useful, if an OFFLINE
         deployment was not used for the 1st deployment
Version 8.1c
      -- BASE package
       * Partition tables for management partitions are now
         placed in the OMAconfig subdirectory of a pattern
         If you want use the login account omapart on an
         existing management partition, you must update the
         management partition of the client.
       * The name of an image user group can differ from the
         unix group name inside the image user group.
      -- SOMA
       * You can enter a parent directory for the files in
         the system partition. This is useful, if you assign
         a software group to a VOMA container client.
       * You can use additional keywords to export software
         packages in an unpacked format.
      -- TTOMA
       * Data transfer, if you edit a partition script of an image
Version 8.1b
      -- BASE package
       * Partimage 0.6.8 is now in use for dist3.1a OMA clients
       * Partimage maximum image size is set to 100 GByte
       * You can edit the file with the image names of
         a pattern over the HTML interface.
      -- TTOMA
       * All actions on imageuser groups have a data transfer.
Version 8.1a
      -- BASE package
       * New image types for LVM bare metal recovery
       * New user management concept need no longer extra user names
         to support special user configurations for special images.
       * The management partition script /etc/init.d/network
         reads the management interface card name from /etc/NETCONF
      -- TTOMA
       * All actions on imageuser accounts have a data transfer.
Version 8.0z
      -- BASE package
       * It is allow to edit some files over the HTML interface
       * New item to import data from an unknown OMA server
       * You can configure, that an OMA server has one interface 
         to each network. This deny an OMA server search on clients.
Version 8.0y
      -- BASE package
       * Big disk, big files and GUID Partition table support (GPT)
         This is useful to handle disks bigger 2 TByte (e.g. raid)
       * GRUB2 version 1.98 is available for dist3.1 and dist3.1a
         This is necessary to support the boot of very big disks
       * parted version 2.2 ist available for dist3.1 and dist3.1a
         Only parted is able to handle partitions on very big disks
       * Very big disk support by special kernels
         e.g. _all_you_can_eat.
       * New set of menu items to handle the partiton table
         for the management partition by a script.
       * New global parameter for OMA servers with 
         one card for each client network
Version 8.0x
      -- BASE package
       * The *_resize_ntfs_* image types realize an reboot,
         before the resize command is used on the client.
       * The import of images ask you for a sub directory
      -- SOMA
       * New item to view the summary of an inventory for a location.
       * The import of packages ask you for a sub directory
      -- BOMA
       * If an OMA server boot from network as a client, 
         the system ignore the own entry in the file /etc/OMASERVER
       * The import of boot instances ask you for a sub directory
      -- TOMA
       * New item to edit a list of OMA server for a secondary server
         This is useful to have a list of OMA server for a certain
         location, if you have many OMA server on each location.
Version 8.0w
      -- BASE package
       * You can create classes for the export/import of data
         This is useful to allow/deny export/import for
	 certain users osr user groups.
      -- BOMA
       * You can make boot instances of Linux.redhat5.3
         e.g. you need an EMC NetWorker agent in your
              boot instance to use the OMA bare metal
              recover support for EMC NetWorker and
              EMC is unable to handle other Linux systems.
Version 8.0v
      -- BASE package
       * New global and server parameter to define an import directory
         By this way it is no longer necessary to use the root
	 account to prepare import data (e.g. images, packages ...).
      -- TOMA
       * New menu items to copy your .dlg4u customized menus
         This is useful, if you have modified config files in
	 your customized menu trees manually.
      -- BOMA
       * The name of the boot instance is no longer a part of
         the boot file names under the directory OMAboot/OMAbootprom
	 Rename the files, according to the messages of BOMA.activate
      -- SOMA
       * New menu item to import only new packages
Version 8.0u
      -- BASE package
       * omactrl data base list now the used device names too
      -- SOMA
       * The update of a package ask you for swclass and swgroup.
      -- BOMA
       * New parameter to import external data into a boot instance.
         Parameter "OMAmountnfsrw" copy the data to the nfsrw share.
         This is useful for make large software available on
         network boot, if the boot precess is using a root ramdisk.
Version 8.0t
      -- BASE package
       * New parameter for disk pattern - Harddisk ID string
         This is useful to identiy the device names for Solaris
         This feature is supported for zfs archiv images only.
       * New parameters for hardware groups
         Base string for devices (e.g. /dev/dsk)
      -- SOMA
       * New parameter for images - Mustehavesoma
         This is useful to deny a deployment without packages
       * New parameter for packages - Xsudoprog
         This is useful, if you want allow users the
	 installation of software during the user login process
	 If you put packages on the OMAshare, this program is
	 inserted in the installion script automatically.
	 e.g. xsudo for Windows or sudo for Unix systems
Version 8.0s
      -- BASE package
       * All users can create configuration checks, but only
         members of omacontrol can create authorized checks
      -- SOMA
       * If you copy OFFLINE script to ONLINE scripts,
         you can select COPY or LINK mode.
      -- BOMA
       * You can make your own boot instances of Linux.dist3.1a
         e.g. you need an VERITAS Netbackup agent in your
              boot instance to use the OMA bare metal
              recover support for VERITAS Netbackup
Version 8.0r
      -- BASE package
       * New method to resize finally NFTS volumes
       * New image types for resized NFTS deployments
       * New group omacontrol is supported.
         This group is able to save informations of
         a client/image configuration for a later
       * New menu items to handle the OMAcontrol feature
       * An extra bootmanager for an ALIAS is no longer supported
         The bootmanager of the last ALIAS image is the winner
Version 8.0q
      -- BASE package
       * You can make now customized menu trees for the
         OMA startup of omamini, omamini2 and omalight. 
         MAKE A MOVE FROM THE OLD LOCATION .dlgL4U to .dlg4U/omalight.
      -- VOMA
       * New item to connect a container client to an imagename
       * New item to connect a container client to a software group
Version 8.0p
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel is supported with a no_autoip version
       * Kernel is supported with a none_net_cards version
      -- SOMA
       * You can deploy software packages to a network share
         This is useful, if you want install a software 
         from a share (e.g. during the netlogon of users).
Version 8.0o
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel is supported with an _all_you_can_eat version
      -- TOMA
       * VOMA container clients must be now a member of an OMA pattern
         This is useful to create image name for container clients
         These image names can be used to generate individual settings
         for the container client (e.g. IP address, Users, ...)
       * New image  type 0_DEFAULT_solaris_container_zone
       * New set of generated methods for solaris container clients
Version 8.0n
      -- SOMA
       * OMA save all original permissions if you unpack a package.
       * OMA restore all original permissions if you pack a package.
         This happens only, if you define 
         for a package as the set permissions program
Version 8.0m
      -- BASE package
       * Two new image types for zfs recovery concepts 
         for netbackup or other external backup programs
         - solaris_sparc_zfs_archiv_cpio_no_files_make_bootable_only
         - solaris_x86_zfs_archiv_cpio_no_files_grub_only
Version 8.0l
      -- TOMA
       * New menu item to transfer a network manually.
Version 8.0k
      -- TOMA
       * New menu item to copy a single partition file of image.
Version 8.0j
      -- BASE package
       * New global value to define a backup directory for OMA
       * New menu item to save imagespecific default values on group
      -- TOMA
       * New server value to define a backup directory for OMA
       * New server value to remove pattern automatically
       * New server value to remove hardware groups automatically
Version 8.0i
      -- BASE package
       * New set of generated methods for solaris
         These methods reboot solaris in /etc/rc2.d after
         the installation of all software packages.
         This is necessary, if a package installation
         script in /etc/rc3.d needs such a reboot
         (e.g. cluster recovery scripts).
Version 8.0h
      -- BASE package
       * A location group is no longer restricted to 33 characters.
       * A location is no longer restricted to 33 characters.
       * The adilaog program checks your input for none ASCII characters.
         This avoid wrong command lines if you use the adfmenu interface.
Version 8.0g
      -- BASE package
       * New kind of private individual data for a client
         You can have a file 00_ALL_client_extra_config_2_all...
         This file is placed on the client after a deployment under
         Unix sytemes:      /00_ALL_client_extra_config_2_all...
         Windows sytemes: c:\00_ALL_client_extra_config_2_all...
         You can have further files in this directory for any purposes
         e.g. extra config files for an additional management system
      -- TOMA
       * New parameters to transfer data automatically to the base server
         Transfer local retrieved files automatically
         Transfer local retrieved partitioning files automatically
         Transfer local retrieved network card values automatically
         You can set all three values for each OMA server speraretly
Version 8.0f
      -- BOMA
       * New kind of data for boot instances with a ramdisk (miniroot)
         inst2miniroot is used to install drivers automatically
         into the miniroot system, if you update a boot instance
      -- VOMA
       * VOMA has now own scripts to deploy VOMA clients online.
       * VOMA has now own scripts to remove VOMA clients online.
Version 8.0e ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New client parameter OMACARD to find the OMA management card
         if a DHCP answer is not available (e.g. LOCALOMA Boot CD).
      -- BOMA
       * New NFSroot OMA platform solaris10_x86_64bit
         This is useful, if you work with Solaris 10 2009/10 u8
         This version has an extra 64-bit version of x86.miniroot
         It is necessary, if you have only 64-bit drivers to add.
         e.g. the yukonx driver
       * An update of a solaris10miniroot boot instance copy
         always the programs gzip, gunzip and grep to the miniroot.
Version 8.0d
      -- BASE package
       * New parameter to deny ping checks of a client
         You can set the parameter for networks, all clients,
         hardware group, disk pattern or a single client.
      -- BOMA
       * Predefined data collections can contain boot instances
       * New item to import boot instances from data collections
         This is useful, if the transfer of NFSroot OMA 
         boot instances is not possible over the network.
      -- VOMA
       * Software packages for VOMA clients are now always
         managed under the name of the VOMA client. The
         generated methods of OMA creates the clients
         now always finally after all other software packages.
         Therefore, you see no longer VOMA client package names
         between all other software packages names.
       * New item to edit only the software package scripts of a 
         VOMA client software package
       * New item to edit VOMA clients only
      -- TOMA
       * OMA offline data transfer of VOMA client software packages
Version 8.0c
      -- BASE package
       * New client value VOMASWAP
       * New client value VOMAPATH
       * New client value WIN7CARD
       * New client value WIN7PID
       * Generated methods for Windows 7 are available
       * dhcp-3.1.3 und dhcp-4.0.1p1 are on the OMA CDs to support
         the compilation of the ISC dhcp server for none Linux
         based OMA servers with none or a stupid DHCP server (e.g. Solaris).
         But you can use still every DHCP server instead, if you have the knowledge
         what a system needs to boot from network properly.
Version 8.0b
      -- BASE package
       * Example group for container VOMA clients
       * Unchangeable default pattern for container VOMA clients
      -- VOMA
       * New extra menu tree for the VOMA add on package
       * New item to add a container VOMA client
       * A container VOMA client can be a child of each client
       * A virtual VOMA client can only be a child of a real client
      -- SOMA
       * Master software package support for Solaris Container (zones)
Version 8.0a ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New image type for Solaris 10 sparc to use one image
         for all kind of hardware that you will ever have.
       * Three NFSroot OMA platforms for Solaris 10 sparc systems.
         solaris10 - for very old Solaris 10 (e.g. 2005/03)
         solaris10toolsboot <= Solaris 10 2008/05 (u5)
         solaris10miniroot  >= Solaris 10 2008/10 (u6)
       * The SUN4 hardware identifier is obsolete
         RARP:SUN4 or DHCP:SUN4 are the new identifiers
      -- TTOMA
       * Secondary servers have a list of used groups and pattern
         This is useful to avoid the transfer of unused data
         to secondary servers (e.g. rename a hardware group).
Version 7.9z
      -- BASE package
       * New example group for Solaris Sparc
       * New example pattern for Solaris and OMA archiv images
       * OMA set now the get-image-exclude filter
         OFFLLINE_solaris_var_tmp automatically, 
         if imagetypes solaris_*_archiv_cpio* are used.
Version 7.9y
      -- BASE package
       * Realtek r8168 Gigabit network driver version 8.014 is 
         compiled as a module for the kernel 2.6.29.
       * The SUN4V Solaris platform is supported by OMA.
Version 7.9x
      -- TOMA
       * Data transfer, if you edit the info file of a location.
       * Data transfer, if you add a package to all 
         package groups of a package class
Version 7.9w
      -- BOMA
       * You can burn an bootable CD for a NFSroot OMA boot instances.
         e.g. Solaris Sparc
Version 7.9v
      -- BASE package
       * New OMA platform linux.dist3.1a is available for the
         OMA managementpartiton and for all OMAlocal boot devices.
       * New set of generated methods for solaris
         These methods run mkdevfs on the 1st and on the 2nd boot.
         This is necessary if you want use one Solaris 10 image
         for all kind of hardware that you will ever have.
      -- TOMA
       * An automatic change of group or pattern during a deployment
         is reported automatically to the base server.
Version 7.9u
      -- BASE package
       * New image types for Solaris 10 x86 to use one image
         for all kind of hardware that you will ever have.
       * All harddisk scan commands can be configured on group too.
         This is useful, if many patterns share the same commands
       * New menu item to copy a hardware group completely
       * New step in in the deployment cycle of OMA
         You can deploy retrieved individual files directly
         after the image transfer is finished. This is useful
         if the postput image method needs some files.
Version 7.9t
      -- BASE package
       * New generated method for solaris to generate nothing
         This is useful, if you deploy only software packages
Version 7.9s
      -- BASE package
       * The OMA management activate Volume Groups if necessary.
         e.g. run vgchange if LVM2 is in use
      -- SOMA
       * The copy items for packages ask you for class and group.
Version 7.9r ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * The login omamini is supported in the OMA-Client-Console
       * OMA supports snapshot.exe to get Windows images online
       * OMA supports snapshot.exe to put Windows images offline
       * New items to handle exclude lists for OMA archiv images
         You can select examples, if you create a exclude list.
Version 7.9q 
      -- BASE package
       * New image type to support linux archiv images for lvm2
      -- TOMA
       * You can select 0_ALL_server.. if you transfer images 
         or software packages manually to other OMA server.
Version 7.9p 
      -- BASE package
       * New image type to support linux archiv images for lvm2
       * New NFSroot OMA platform linux.dist3.1a is available
         linux.dist3.1a is necessary, if you want work with 
         lvm2 archiv images or with PartImage images.
Version 7.9o 
      -- BASE package
       * New image type to support linux archiv images for lvm2
         This is useful, if you want use the OMA grub version
      -- SOMA package
       * New item to make a preget script for a software package
         This is in use for the icacls read/write permissions
         software package from the OMA BONUS DVD.
       * The OMA archive image from NTFS partitions can now have
         the exact permissions of the master system, if you use
         the icacls software package from the OMA BONUS DVD.
      -- TOMA
       * New item to check the connectivity to all servers,
         with a delivery server definition.
Version 7.9n 
      -- BASE package
       * OMA support the use of the programm partimage.
       * New image types for partimage images
       * New image types to support linux archiv images for lvm2
Version 7.9m 
      -- BASE package
       * Generated methods for all Windows handle up to 19 network cards
       * LOCALinstall OMA support the use of NFS shares.
         Due to this feature the COPYSERVER support of OMA is obsolete.
      -- SOMA/TOMA package
       * OMA copy the inventory of clients to the base server.
         By this way you can use each OMA server to scan clients,
         but you need only the base server for inventory summaries.
Version 7.9l 
      -- BASE package
       * If you have more than one network card in your OMA server
         and if you like it to deploy indirectly, you can now
         define a network card for this kind of deployment.
         This configuration can be done on the levels
         all clients, hardware group, disk pattern and client.
       * Some central configuration files are moved to
         from OMAcfg/OMAallcf to the new directory OMAcfg/OMAall.
      -- SOMA package
       * The parallel client list inventory list unuseable clients.
Version 7.9k 
      -- BASE package
       * The old tuning of dos image size is removed from OMA, 
         because it is no longer necessary to do this. 
      -- BOMA package
       * You can add IP names of other OMA servers to an OMA server,
         even if they have different OMA install directories.
         This is useful, if you have real and virtual OMA server
         in the same subnet, but bootable clients should
         contact the real OMA server only.
      -- SOMA package
       * New item for parallel client list inventory
Version 7.9j 
      -- BASE package
       * OMA support the use of PartImage Version 0.6.7
      -- SOMA package
       * New menu tree to work with iventory online software packages
       * You can use a scanned package name as an identifier for an 
         OMA software package. This is allows OMA to alert you,
         if too much licences are in use, if software is not
         delivered by OMA.
Version 7.9i 
      -- BASE package
       * New image types for zfs archive images
       * New methods to put additional files to a client
Version 7.9h 
      -- BASE package
       * New method to create a zfs pool
       * New method to read an archive image from a zfs filesystem
       * New method to write a non-root archive image to a zfs filesystem
       * New method to write a root archive image to a zfs filesystem
       * New method to set the moint point for a zfs filesystem
       * New method to write grub for a zfs filesystem
Version 7.9g ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Data collections contains the checksum files of images.
       * New additional image name dialog files are in use.
         You must update all clients, if you want see them.
      -- BOMA package
       * You can use a software package to prepare a real client
         for the start of a virtual machine, if the start command
         for virtual machines can not do this job (e.g. Virtual Box).
       * You can use a software package to reset a real client
         after the shutdown of a virtual machines, if the shutdown command
         for virtual machines can not do this job (e.g. Virtual Box).
       * New parameter to wake up a virtual machine
       * New parameter to shutdown a virtual machine
       * You can set the new BOMA parameters if you use the item
         5-4-2-1 Define bootprom files of group
       * The new BOMA parameters are in use if you use the item
         1-5-3 Wake up and start with NFSroot OMA
      -- TTOMA package
       * Data transfer, if you allow a new image name for a package
Version 7.9f
      -- BASE package
       * New internal image name 00_ALL_client_extra_config_2_all...
         This image name can be used to have one imagespecific client
         client configuration for all deployments.
      -- SOMA package
       * New internal image name 00_ALL_client_packages_2_all...
         This image name can be used to select packages or
         package groups to all client deployments.
         It restricted to the last image name in an ALIAS agreement.
       * New menu item to copy a OFFLINE install script to an
         ONLINE install script. This is useful is a package
         installaltion script works under both environments.
Version 7.9e
      -- BASE package
       * New parameter to use a group command for hard disk detection.
         This is useful, if you must scan more than 
         one hard disk to identify the client pattern.
Version 7.9d
      -- BASE package
       * New generated file for solaris /etc/HOSTID.made_by_oma
       * You can set automatic pattern detection on each deployment.
       * You can set an default software group for a deployment name.
       * OMA checks the last deployment name in an ALIAS agreement, 
         if the pattern was changed during the deployment.
         OMA reconfigure the client, if the last deployment differ.
         e.g. copy an existing deployment specific client configuation
         e.g. add the default software group of the deployment
Version 7.9c
      -- BASE package
       * New image parameter to use NFS for offline file lists.
       * New method to support zfs filesystems
      -- BOMA package
       * Use of groups to collect addon data for boot instances
      -- SOMA package
       * New kind of scripts for software packages
         OMAoffline/preput_final scripts run on the OMA server
         at the beginning of an deployment cycle
         This is useful to startup virtual clients
Version 7.9b
      -- BASE package
       * Each IP name can have ALIAS names
       * New menu tree for informations about a location
       * One single menu tree for loaction groups and locations
       * Summaries about locations are saved as .csv files
      -- SOMA package
       * New kind of scripts for software packages
         OMAoffline/posput_final scripts run on the OMA server
         at the end of an deployment cycle
         This is useful to install licences on license servers
Version 7.9a
      -- BASE package
       * A further 2.6.24 kernel variation is available
      -- TOMA package
       * Data transfer, if you pack retrieved individual files
      -- SOMA package
       * More items ask your for softwareclass/softwaregroup.
Version 7.8z
      -- BASE package
       * New menu tree to handle OMA administrator accounts
       * You can have client list for ech personal OMA admin account
       * New client parameter LOGONGROUP 
         Generated methods for Windows use this value to 
         add the initial LOGONUSER to a local group.
      -- TOMA package
       * New item to check all OMA server ip addresses
Version 7.8y
      -- BASE package
       * Generated methods for Solaris handle up to 19 network card
       * Generated methods for Windows 2000 handle up to 19 network cards
Version 7.8x
      -- BASE package
       * The high version of OMA allow up to 19 network cards per client
      -- BOMA add on package
       * You can add the OMASERVER list to a boot instance on 2 ways
         gatway - The client can find a OMA server in another net
         subnet - The client must find a OMA server in the same net
Version 7.8w
      -- BASE package
       * New kind of client lists 0_GLOBAL_zc_networks_not_reached
         These list are useful, if you make ONLINE software scans for
         a subnet, but not all clients are available.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New item to make a summary of ONLINE software scans.
         The result are two .CSV files, 
         wich can be read with a spreadsheet program.
         A universal SOMA scan package for windows can be
         found on the optional OMA bonus DVD.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * New item to reboot clients online.
Version 7.8v
      -- BASE package
       * MacOS X Leopard i386 is now supported as an OMA server platform.
       * Further methods for MacOS X to set the hostname only
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can deny parent directories of SOMA Masterdirectories
         e.g. works like
              cd /Applications; find
         e.g. Applications/ works like
              cd /; find Applications/
Version 7.8u
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure a NFS boot server for a network
       * You can configure a UNIX_PASSWORD_ for an OMA image user
       * OMA set an initial user password for MacOS X Leopoard
         if the UNIX_PASSWORD_ key of OMA image user has a value
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can configure an Masterdir for the image partition
      ** One Patch
       + The OMA package scan works again.
Version 7.8t
      -- BASE package
       * New image type for macosx images "apple_run_diskutil"
         This is the alternative type for apple_partition_map,
         which makes a staic disk dump of the apple partition map.
         The apple_run_diskutil image type run the diskutil command,
         which you have saved on the disk pattern of a client.
Version 7.8s
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel all_yo_can_eat_2.6.27.4 is available
       * Kernel kernel_allyce- sources are removed 
      -- BOMA add on package
       * NFSroot OMA support is available for MacOS X
         You can boot a Mac from an OMA server
         into a SSH based pixel free OMA Client Console
      -- SOMA add on package
       * More menu items select packages from software groups
Version 7.8r
      -- BASE package
       * You must use extra pattern to use OMA WinPE for clients
         Use the OMA WinPE system partition names in the pattern
         e.g. /cygdrive/c
       * Due to the new pattern rules for OMA WinPE archive images,
         the image typ needs no longer a drive letter in the name.
       * New method for MacOS X to set the hostname only
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New menu items to handle necessary packages for a package
       * Necessary packages are used automatically, 
         if you add a package to a software group of a client
Version 7.8q
      -- BASE package
       * You can use *search to build a sublist for 
         a selection in the ASCII interfaces of OMA
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can overwrite a software group of client during copy
Version 7.8p
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New item to copy a OFFLINE script as a ONLINE REBOOT script
Version 7.8o ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * You can have now individual menu trees of omalight
       * New item to copy client data to a local image partition (LIP)
       * New parameter for the image names of a pattern (SOMA)
         This is useful, if only some names are in use for SOMA
         e.g. imagename SOMA
       * New parameter for the image names of a pattern (EXCLUDE)
         This is useful for LOCALinstall OMA, if you must
         exclude data for software partitions from deployment
         e.g. imagename EXCLUDE;s12
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New item to deploy a software group of client
       * New item to search for package names
Version 7.8n
      -- BASE package
       * New item to copy a boot instance
       * jfs.o ist removed from LOADdiskless.2.4.21
       * Online Archivimages are no longer supported.
         Use the new cycle to retrieve archiv images ONLINE
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New item to copy a software group of client
Version 7.8m
      -- BASE package
       * New item to remove a client from DNS and DHCP
       * You can classify a local user as a domain user too
         This is uesful to download a domain profile
       * New cycle to retrieve archiv images ONLINE
         e.g. Catch a running Solaris x86 with these 
              OMA exclude filter settings
      -- BOMA add on package
       * New authorized key file is copied to all NFSroot OMA directories
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New items to handle software groups of clients
         e.g. printer software packages
       * Packages in a software group of a client are used
         automatically, for OFFLINE software package deployment
       * You can configure the use of nslookup on all OMA levels
         (e.g. All clients, Network, Group, Pattern, Client)
         This is useful if you have clients with static and dynamic IP
Version 7.8l
      -- BASE package
       * Make_swap_partition_4_linux__________2_mkswap
         create a label, if a label names is configured.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * BOMA.activate has now two custom interfaces
         BOMA.activate00 runs at the beginning
         BOMA.activate09 runs at the end
Version 7.8k
      -- BASE package
       * All all_yo_can_eat_2.6.24 kernels are recompiled.
       * The method Make_one_file_system_4_winpe check more errors
       * The method Make_winpe_2_setperm_only_4_ntfs set more permissions
       * Windows deployment to OMA WinPE clients handle now
         all steps of the OMA deployment cycle.
Version 7.8j
      -- BASE package
       * You can retrieve individual files from OMA WinPE clients
       * New set of VISTA methods (dhcp_dnssearch)
         This is useful if you need a DNS domain search list,
         because the Windows DHCP client is unable to set the list.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * SOMA online scripts are now all under OMAonline
         You see the list of existing OMAonline scripts,
         if you try to edit or remove these scripts
Version 7.8i
      -- SOMA add on package
       * SOMA offline scripts are now all under OMAoffline
         You see the list of existing OMAoffline scripts,
         if you try to edit or remove these scripts
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New item for standalone transfer of bootfiles.
Version 7.8h
      -- BASE package
       * The client info command offer more details
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can set permission after unpack a software package
       * You can set permission before pack a software package
       * New order, if you select packages for deployment
         software class -> software group -> software package
Version 7.8g ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * You can select addon or subst mode, if you copy OMA data
         collections to removeable hard disks (e.g. USB drives).
Version 7.8f
      -- BASE package
       * You can excluse softwarepartions, if you put an image.
       * LOCALinstall OMA supports the exclusion of software partitions.
       * New item to switch static clients to dynmaic DHCP
       * LOCALinstall OMA supports data of OMA image users
       * New user parameter to allow a user account for auto logon.
       * If you add a new client to the system, 
         OMA ask you for an initial auto logon account.
Version 7.8e
      -- BASE package
       * New methods for Linux archive images, 
         if Linux is the one and only installed system
       * New POSTPTABLE method
       * New POSTPTABLE method
       * New group of image types
       * New group of image types
Version 7.8d
      -- BASE package
       * New parameter to set data directory for OMA image users
       * New item to edit a list of forbidden ip adresses
       * New parameter to turn on/off DNS entry counter.
       * OMA delete a client without a MAC address from DHCP,
         if the client exist in the DHCP data base,
       * The OMA deployment deploy user data of OMA image users
         to omaimagusers, if the image has assigned users. 
         This is useful for software packages, if personal data
         must be copied at the right moment to the right place.
Version 7.8c
      -- BASE package
       * New image parameter to run netdom.exe at last.
         This is useful, if the domain is very restrictive.
       * New parameter to configure an entry pattern for DNS.
         This is useful, if you need a certain syntax for your DNS.
       * New linux image types to write an MBR and use sfdisk only.
       * New parameter to copy __bootdisk.db to management partitions
       * New rc script to read __bootdisk.db on management partitions
         This is usefule, if you can get an network answer for
         the management partition of a virtual client
Version 7.8b
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure a program call to stop the DNS server
       * You can configure a program call to start the DNS server
       * A client update rebuild no longer all NFSroot data bases
         The client entry is only necessary in the NFSroot OMA
         data base, that match the hardware type of the client.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * A workaround for Solaris Sparc boot instances set the
         subnet mask to the used value, if the client ignore
         the subnet mask from the RARP answer. A wrong subnet
         mask can stop the NFSroot boot process of Sparc systems.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can deny OMA server interfaces for NFSroot OMA
Version 7.8a
      -- BASE package
       * New item to run the preput image special effect alone
       * New item to run the postput image special effect alone
       * New item to run the postptable image special effect alone
Version 7.7z
      -- BASE package
       * You can set image specific default values on hardware group
Version 7.7y
      -- BASE package
       * You can have backup files for DNS entries
       * New PREPUT method
       * New POSTGET method
Version 7.7x
      -- BASE package
       * New kind of archive image types for Solaris x86
         You can occupy the whole disk with Solaris x86 or not.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New item to add a package to all groups of a class
Version 7.7w
      -- BASE package
       * You can have one extra special device for each hard disk
         This is useful to write the partition table for Solaris x86,
         if you boot with NFSroot OMA PXE boot of Solaris x86
       * New item to get all partition tables of an ALIAS agreement
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Softwaregroups can be classified in software classes
Version 7.7v
      -- BASE package
       * You can set the hardware scan of clients for all deployments
       * You can configure a program call to restart the DNS server
       * New kind of archive image types for Solaris x86
         If you use the NFSroot OMA PXE boot of Solaris 10 x86
         you need no longer the classic combination of
         a partition image and a shuttle partition.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can select a package for an image with no generated method
         This is only possible, if you have allow this for the package
       * Preboot scripts are a new kind of OFFLINE deployment scripts
         OMA run these scripts before OMA copy a package to a client.
         e.g. You can call a 3th party restore program by this way
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New item to add own files to a OMA boot instance
         You must save these files in a subdirectory under 
         Kunde1/OMAnfsroot (e.g. Kunde1/OMAnfsroot/linux_software)
Version 7.7u
      -- BASE package
       * New NFSroot OMA platform linux.dist3.1 is available
         You can use this to work with copies of the default
         NFSroot OMA platform Linux.dist3.1 (OMAdist/dist3.1)
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New item to update the server list of a boot instance only
       * You can use SSH keys from the OMA base server as SSH keys 
         for other OMA servers, if you want use the same keys.
       * You can reduce the server list of a boot instance
         This is useful if a client can see only one server at all
Version 7.7t
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure a PID file for the DNS as a global value
       * You can configure a PID file for the DNS as a server value
       * New image type Solaris_x86/1_primary_partition_table_only
       * VOMAMEMORY is a new client value
      -- BOMA add on package
       * OMA supports NFSroot OMA boot of Solaris 10 x86
      -- VOMA add on package
       * VOMAMEMORY can be used in VOMA master packages
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New item to set one server as deployment server for all
       * You can set a TOMA interface for each server
         This is useful, if the computer has many interfaces
         and the TOMA interface does not match the computername
Version 7.7s
      -- BASE package
       * OMAdiskless and OMAnetinstall are no longer in use.
       * Different methods to clean a partition image.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * All OMA multiboot platforms are now under NFSroot OMA.
      -- VOMA add on package
       * If you connect a client with another VOMA package template,
         OMA removes old VOMA software packages on the server.
Version 7.7r
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel 2.6.24_no_auto_ip is supported
       * omamini2 interface has now an own account
       * omamini and omamini2 have now a 6th menu item.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * All OMA multiboot platforms are now under NFSroot OMA.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New item to remove a package step by step
       * New package parameters to handle errors as warnings.
         This is useful, if a protected file already exists.
         This is useful, if a protected file can not removed.
Version 7.7q
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel 2.6.24 is supported
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can deny ONLINE removement of a package.
       * You can delete a group of software on a client
Version 7.7p
      -- BASE package
       * Extra item to run the images preget special effect alone
       * New PREGET method 
      -- SOMA add on package
       * ONLINE REBOOT deployment is working now for software groups.
Version 7.7o
      -- BASE package
       * OMA WinPE supports the complete installation of Windows XP
       * OMA WinPE supports the creation of OMA file lists
      -- BOMA add on package
       * Two different versions of pxelinux are supported (1.66 and 3.60)
         You should use the newer one for newer PXE versions.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * The WakeOnLan option works for online deployment of software group
       * New item to set config values of a software group
Version 7.7n
      -- BASE package
       * New image special effect family POSTPUTLASTscripte
       * New image type 0_DEFAULT_partition_image_vfat
       * New image type 0_DEFAULT_partition_image_vfat_ext_part
       * OMA WinPE supports transfer of generated files
       * POSTPUTLAST/Make_winpe_2_setperm_only_4_ntfs
         is a new special effect to support OMA WinPE archive images
       * New items to handle a permission script for an image
         This is useful to run secedit for Windows during the first boot
         of windows automatically if OMA WinPE is used.
Version 7.7m ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Full Windows 2008 RC1 support
       * Extra set of 75 generated methods for Windows 2008
       * OMA WinPE supports transfer of retrieved files (e.g. a hardware group)
       * Windows 2000 Advanced Server is no longer an extra group.
         Use Windows 2000 Server with image specific client configuration
         if you need individual settings for a Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
Version 7.7l
      -- BASE package
       * Use of labels is supported for linux archive images
       * The label names can be configured on the hard disk pattern
       * The label names can be defined for each image name
         This is useful if you need different label names
         for a pattern which allows archiv images for 
         format.exe and for mkfs.ext3 too.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New designed program to copy a secondary server
         temporary on a bootable USB device (e.g. 5 GB USB Box)
Version 7.7k
      -- BASE package
       * The xoma interface shows the same numbers as the omaadm interface
       * New item to create partiton shemes from example scripts
       * New set of XP methods (dhcp_dnssearch)
         This is useful if you need a DNS domain search list,
         because the Windows DHCP client is unable to set the list.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New item to build homogenious lists of acessable clients
Version 7.7j
      -- BASE package
       * Extra menu item to check all hardware addresses
       * New kind of image types for WinPE (vfat32 partitions)
       * New kind of image types for WinPE (ntfs partitions)
       * OMA WinPE supports write partiton tables with diskpart
       * OMA WinPE supports the format of partitons with format.exe
       * OMA WinPE supports to get/put archive images of Windows
       * OMA WinPE supports automatic reboot and bootprom reset
       * OMA WinPE supports compressed cpio archive file
Version 7.7i
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel 2.6.24-rc2 is available with a noautoip version
       * You can enter a list of domains for each client
         The first domain is the primary client domain
         The other domain names are used for search and suffix entries
       * New image parameter to update image specific 
         client configurations on each client update.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Package import makes an entry in OMAsoftclasses/0_GLOBAL_class
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Data transfer, if you change an additional OFFLINE script
       * Data transfer, if you change an additional ONLINE script
Version 7.7h
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel 2.6.24-rc2 is available 
       * SSH access from a client to a server works on OMA boot CD.
         This is useful, if you must boot OMA managmenet from CD.
Version 7.7g
      -- BASE package
       * An ethernet address can be a default value of a group
         e.g. 0050560000 is useful for virtual clients
       * New item to link hardware group differencies in all groups
         This is useful, if you work with image links
      -- SOMA add on package
       * OFFLINE deployment can be overwritten by image method
         This is useful, if a package is usable on many file systems
         e.g. reiserfs, ntfs, vat32, ext3
Version 7.7f ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * OMA supports software packages on the shuttle partition
         This is useful to add a working sshd for Solaris 10 x86.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can use software classes for faster package selection
Version 7.7e
      -- BASE package
       * ethertool is a part of OMAdist 3.1
       * Compiled version of OpenSSH 3.8p1 for Solaris Sparc
       * New OMAinsmod module for DELL bios patches.
       * OMA supports software package on the shuttle partition
         This is useful to add a working sshd for Solaris 10 x86.
Version 7.7d
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel has always a generic x86 SMP support
       * Compiled SMP kernels for intel processors 
       * You can clean ntfs based partiton images.
       * You can read netcard names from ntfs partitions.
       * New OMAinmod module for the Agere ET 131 gigabit card
      -- TOMA add on package
       * The Nextimage OMA server is used for the MP deployment too.
Version 7.7c
      -- BASE package
       * New item to add image names to heterogenious client lists
       * New OMAinsmod module for DELL bios patches.
       * New OMAinmod module for the Agere ET 131 gigabit card
       * New interface for customized generated methods (kunde_var)
         It allows changes of client values with own values
         e.g. Set another IP address for all deployments
      -- BOMA add on package
       * Dynamic content support for PXE bootfiles wirh initial ramdisk.
Version 7.7b
      -- BASE package
       * X-Window logins for OMAdist 2.0 are no longer supported
       * Support of unsorted additional clients lists for locations.
       * New sub menu to handle clients in unsorted clients lists.
       * New directories to save logfiles for each location
       * WinPE is a usable NFSroot OMA platform to boot into OMA management
       * New kind of archive image types for WinPE
Version 7.7a
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure the name of the WOL program (e.g. wakeonlan)
       * BIOS update support with libsmbios-0.13.6 is included
Version 7.6z
      -- BASE package
       * New item to initalize a bootable USB disks or USB sticks.
       * New method solaris_sparc_00_hostname to set only the hostname
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can copy OMA boot directory trees to other servers.
Version 7.6y ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * OMA Boot CD support for OMAdist dist3.1
       * mke2fs version 1.35 support for LOCALinstall OMA
       * New image types for NTFS
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can set global mount options for packages on image.
         This is useful for OFFLINE software deployment, 
         if you have packages for different images with different file systems.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New item to copy server data collections to removeable hard disk.
Version 7.6x
      -- BASE package
       * OMA image types are devided into OMA image groups.
       * was changed for better redhat support.
       * New mke2fs 1.35 PREPUT methods for linux archiv images.
         These methods are only available, if you boot with dist3.1
         The hardware entry of the client must be set to Linux.dist3.1
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Add and delete image users on other servers
       * Add and delete image user groups on other servers
Version 7.6w
      -- BASE package
       * New item "Put MPs simultaneously without partition table"
       * New item "Put MPs consecutively without partition table"
       * You can configure the automatic change of values, 
         if you change the group for a client.
      -- VOMA add on package
       * OMA delete an old Nextimage file, 
         if you rebuild a virtual machine online.
       * OMA delete an old Lastaction file, 
         if you set a new 1st image of a virtual machine.
Version 7.6v
      -- BASE package
       * More methods for Windows XP to set the hostname only.
       * New method mount_windows_ntfs_2_ntfsg3 to use the ntfs-g3 driver.
         The ntfs-g3 driver is only available, if you boot with dist3.1
         The hardware entry of the client must be set to Linux.dist3.1
         The ntfs-g3 driver has limitations (can set only POSIX permissions).
      ** One Patch
       + The management partition login account oma works again for Lastimage.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can set the collection of predefined collections for each server.
       * New item to install OMA on secondary servers remotely.
         You must configure an OMA installation source directory 
         for a secondary server, if you want use this menu item.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * The omalight menu has a subtree to build new software packages
       * OMA substitute a "cd package_name" line, if you copy a package.
Version 7.6u
      -- BASE package
       * You can have a final command for the hardware scan of pattern
       * 0_GLOBAL_ze_pattern_groups is a new kind of client lists. 
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New online deployment protokolls are supported (rshssh, sshrsh)
Version 7.6t
      -- BASE package
       * Extra menu item to edit DHCP global values.
       * Extra menu item to build the hardware difference of a group.
       * Subnet configuration ask for extra DHCP values.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Client update check the DHCP entries on other OMA servers.
Version 7.6s
      -- BASE package
       * You can set an extra directory to unpack images on the server.
       * dist3.1 is a new OMA platform with a better NTFS support.
         mkntfs  1.13.1 is included to format NTFS file systems
         ntfs-g3 1.417  is included to  mount NTFS file systems
       * Make_one_file_system_4_NTFS__________2_mkntfs_1.13.1
         is a new special effect to support NTFS archive images
       * New item to reinstall the management partiton without a PT.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Data transfer, if you reload default values of a client.
Version 7.6r
      -- BASE package
       * The item to remove all Tmp logfiles, remove client logfiles too.
       * The automatic hardware group detection set group values on client.
Version 7.6q
      -- BASE package
       * The menu item "copy image configuration" copy image users too.
       * The HTML interface starts with a login page.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Data Transfer, if you select user accounts
       * The global SSHOPT config value is used for server contacts too.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item to put packages to an imagespecific client address.
Version 7.6p ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New OMA management login omaformat to format FAT32 file systems.
      -- VOMA add on package
       * Extra menu item to redeploy virtual clients on a real client
       * Extra menu item to redeploy virtual clients on real clients
Version 7.6o
      -- BASE package
       * You can define an storage directory for OMAregfiles.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Vista package examples on the OMA bonus CD
      -- TOMA add on package
       * OMAregfiles ist no longer a part of a server data collection.
       * Data transfer if you copy or link retrieved individual files.
       * If the Nextimage OMA server is busy, OMA used the actual OMA server.
Version 7.6n
      -- BASE package
       * Full Windows Vista final release support
       * New image types for windows shuttle images (e.g. vista config)
       * You can deny automatic reboot if extended partions where made
         This is setable for all clients, a pattern, a group or a client.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can use softwaregroups to remove software on client lists
Version 7.6m
      -- BASE package
       * Transfer cycle support for the LastimageAll file.
       * Transfer cycle support for indirect deployments.
       * The Nextimage file contains the name of the server,
         which has made the Nextimage file. So it is now
         possible to use Nextimage, even if the OMA server is
         not the Bootserver.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can define a Nextimage server. If you do this,
         only this server has Nextimage files. If this Server is
         the one and only bootserver, you have only on data base
         for Nextimage files.
      -- VOMA add on package
       * The server, which install the host operating system, will be used
         to install the operating systems for the virtual machines too,
         if you use the new Nextimage features.
Version 7.6l
      -- BASE package
       * New menu item to update the user list of a user group
       * New menu item to copy an image configuration to another image.
       * You can set additional local group membership for local users.
       * wXP_user_ methods add users to additional local groups.
Version 7.6k ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New OMA module 1_scsi_raid_many_modules_kernel2.6.18.1
       * New set of image types for volume names on Windows partitions.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Data transfer if you update generated files for one image.
Version 7.6j
      -- BASE package
       * You can deploy images online to a LOCALinstall imagepartition.
       * New item - Copy an image to a Local Image Partition (LIP)
       * New item - Copy an allowed image to a Local Image Partition (LIP)
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Separate menu items to transfer only the bootmanager files of images.
Version 7.6i
      -- BASE package
       * The lmount accounts of LOCALinstall support grub configurations.
       * New OMA pcmcia modul to use debian 3.1 on older hardware
      -- BOMA add on package
       * You can define the number of Wake on Lan calls (e.g. 4).
Version 7.6h
      -- BASE package
       * All 2.6.x kernels have now a build in support for BusLogic SCSI.
       * New item available - Find the network cards of an image
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Data transfer for all VOMA activities.
Version 7.6g
      -- BASE package
       * Info level support for informations about an image and a client.
       * You can have a NFSroot or a LOCALroot bootfile for Wake on Lan.
       * You can write to CDs and USB drives with the HTML interface.
       * Some programs are modified for the HTML interface.
       * New item to remove all Tmp logfiles, if you have too much of them.
Version 7.6f
      -- BASE package
       * New modul realtek8110sc_r1000_v1.05___kernel2.6.18.1
       * OMA rename image names for clients in background
      -- BOMA add on package
       * New menu item to create initrd files for pxelinux.
       * New menu item to add initrd files to pxelinux bootfiles.
Version 7.6e
      -- BASE package
       * OMAdist/dist3.0 contains grub 0.97
       * You can use grub instead of lilo for multiboot configurations.
       * Archiv image support for hfs plus partitions on MacOS X.
       * Archiv image support for old hfs legacy partitions on MacOS X.
       * New image type apple_darwin_hfs_old_archiv_cpio
       * New image type apple_darwin_hfs_old_archiv_cpio_no_files
       * New image type apple_darwin_hfs_plus_archiv_cpio
       * New image type apple_darwin_hfs_plus_archiv_cpio_no_files
      ** One Patch
       * The search button of the HTML interface works completely.
       * You get the selected item of the sublist.
Version 7.6d ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * BETA version of HTML interface works for OMAadm
       * BETA version of HTML interface works for OMArooms
       * New config value for images to deny images on OMA server
         This is useful, if you save images only with L2MOUNT on local devices.
      -- VOMA add on package
       * Extra menu item to select a protocol for a virtual client.
       * Extra menu item to select a protocol for a list of virtual clients.
Version 7.6c
      -- BOMA add on package
       * New global parameter to allow the hostname as a bootfile.
         This avoid access to the DHCP file, if PXE boot must turn off/on.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * The complete data transfer to a secondary server
         update the subnet entries in the BOOTP config file.
Version 7.6b
      -- BASE package
       * You can remove groups and pattern with the HTML interface.
       * New global parameter to deny the default gateway check.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Kunde1/OMAregfiles is moved to OMAregfiles
       * Offline data transfer of OMAregfiles works now 
         with one file for each package.
Version 7.6a
      -- BASE package
       * New index file with all MAC addresses of all clients
       * Check of conflicts with MAC adresses for new clients
       * You can handle sets of system files for none OMA clients.
         e.g. hosts, DNS files, DHCP file
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Data transfer, if you get a new shadow file from a client.
       * Data transfer, if you modify lists of predefined collections.
       * Data transfer, if you create bootprom file.
Version 7.5z
      -- BASE package
       * All 2.6 kernels have 4GB memory support.
       * New OMAinsmod modules for Thinkpad A30p sound
       * New OMAinsmod modules for Thinkpad A31p wlan/sound
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New SOMA package (alsa-lib-1.0.13 + alsa-utils-1.0.9rc4a)
      -- VOMA add on package
       * You can set a 1st image for a virtual client installation.
         This is useful to put an image always automatically, 
         if the new virtual machine comes up for the 1st time.
Version 7.5y
      -- BASE package
       * Full Windows Vista RC1 support
       * New Kernel _all_you_can_eat.
         This is useful for new system with very fast hard disks.
         CPU idle = 0, but the system could write faster on disks,
         if the CPU could faster uncompress the data.
       * Extra set of methods for Windows Vista 
         At this early moment a copy of all Windows XP methods,
         because Windows Vista RC1 is similar as Windows XP.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Total equalisation of OMA servers is redesigned.
         It works now without any root access (required by SSH).
Version 7.5x
      -- BASE package
       * New client parameter WVISTACARD
       * New client parameter WVISTAPID
       * Kernel modules are available in OMA
       * All 2.6 kernels are compiled with gcc version 3.3.5
       * You can have a comment file for each location
       * New methods *_rb for Linux to support a final reboot.
         You must run for your linux images to use this.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Examples SOMA packages for VOMA
       * PRE/POST/FINAL offline script support for Windows 2000/XP.
       * PRE/POST/FINAL offline script support for Linux software packages.
         You must run for your linux images to use this.
Version 7.5w ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel is available in OMA
       * New parameter for archive images to set the cpio options
         This is useful, if the default option -ovc does not work.
         e.g. -ov for MacOS X
      ** One Patch
       * Kernel 2.6.16.rc5 has the forgotten build in reiserfs support
      -- VOMA add on package
       * A documentation is available for VOMA
Version 7.5v
      -- BASE package
       * New global parameter to lock bootfile access (e.g.dhcpd.conf)
Version 7.5u
      -- BASE package
       * More kind of images can be selected by image types.
       * The oma2win programs are working for Windows Vista
      ** One Patch of 7.5t
       * The change of a locations for clients works again
Version 7.5t
      -- BASE package
       * ALPHA version of HTML interface works for OMAlight
      -- VOMA add on package
       * You can move virtual clients step by step
       * You can move virtual clients in one step without any questions.
Version 7.5s
      -- VOMA add on package
       * More actions, if you move a virtual client to a new real one.
       * You can set an image for a list of virtual clients.
       * You can set a software package for a list of virtual clients.
Version 7.5r
      -- BASE package
       * You can have imagegroups
      -- VOMA add on package
       * You can set an image for a virtual client
       * You can set a software package for a virtuasl client
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can define a package as a VOMA master package
Version 7.5q
      -- BASE package
       * Extra menu item to uncompress all images for a read only test.
       * The HTML interface support the number navigator of OMA.
       * The HTML interface is unusable during the installaltion.
       * ALPHA version of HTML interface works for OMAmini
       * ALPHA version of HTML interface works for OMAmini2
       * New parameter for archiv images to configure add on directories.
         This is useful to read /dev, if you read the image ONLINE.
         e.g. under newer Linux distributions /dev is a memory filesystem.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Every software partition can have a own master directory
         This is useful to have virtual machines in different partitions
      -- VOMA add on package
       * Extra menu items to add, move or delete virtual clients.
Version 7.5p
      -- BASE package
       * ALPHA version of HTML interface is available
       * LOCALinstall OMA has now archiv image support for l2mount.
       * New POSTPUTIMGscript Make_bootable_partition__4_Linux_2_lilo
       * ONLINE backup of OMA archiv images on local devices.
         This is supported for Linux, if you install omabackup.
Version 7.5o
      -- BASE package
       * Wireless Tools Version 28 are included
       * Better LOCALinstall OMA support for MacOS X
         (hostname setting, use of pfdisk and more ...)
       * You can update a boot disk over the network
         This is useful to copy new configurations to
         such an OMA boot device (e.g. boot_disk___4_macosx).
Version 7.5n ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New methods w2000_*_setupcl_joinwg_*_2nd for Windows 2000
         These are useful, if you must have a netware client.
       * boot_disk___4_macosx is a new kind of OMA boot device
         This is useful to complete an external boot disk, 
         after you have installed macosx and
      -- SOMA add on package
       * OFFLINE preput methods are possible for Windows XP
       * New items to handle OFFLINE preput methods of packages
         This is useful to open a registry key for writing
         before OMA load the registry key files of a package
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Equalization of a primary server works now over SSH
       * OMA set the owner to omaadm before image or package transfer.
         This solve the a problem on MacOS X (operation not permitted).
Version 7.5m
      -- BASE package
       * Extra check of useful gateway setting of client
       * Extra check of wrong client values before each deployment
Version 7.5l
      -- BASE package
       * The use of dynmaic DHCP has no longer any restrictions.
       * The login omassh works now only for OMA dist3.0 clients.
       * You can configure the use of SSH from client to server
         on each level (all, group, pattern, client)
       * You can read OMAindi_getf files ONLINE
         This is useful for Unix systems (Linux, Solaris, MacOS ...)
       * Extra menu item to exclude files from archiv images.
         This is useful for Linix systems with a special reiserfs
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New filter examples to allow_current_control_set_enum keys 
      ** One Patch
       * If you pack unpacked packages, 
         OMA create new lists to remove packages on clients.
Version 7.5k
      -- BASE package
       * New config parameter for images - Create file lists automatically
         This is useful, if you need up to date lists for new images.
       * New item to handle a exclude list for archive images
         This is useful for some kind of Linux installations
      -- TOMA add on package
       * OMA add and delete softwaregroups on other servers.
Version 7.5j
      -- BASE package
       * New menu item to handle new hardware groups in one step.
       * New program oma2win0000ip.exe to find the windows card names.
       * oma2win0000ip.exe set ip adresses to for up to nine cards.
       * New menu item to read the windows card names automatically 
Version 7.5i
      -- BASE package
       * You can find out OMAindi_getf changes ONLINE
         This is useful for Unix systems (Linux, Solaris, MacOS ...)
       * UID/GID in OMAindi_getf file lists have now a numeric format
         Update the management partition to have the new format
Version 7.5h
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure directories for OMAindi_getf file lists
       * You can make OMAindi_getf file lists of images on the server
       * More filter files for OMAindi_getf file lists for Linux
       * Postput Offline script support for Linux software packages
Version 7.5g ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New item to write zero blocks to a partition image
       * Deeper check of predefined data collections.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can have user specific files for a software package
       * New item to detect windows software packages in one step.
       * More packages to load user specific registry keys at logon.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can define a list of software groups for a secondary server
       * It's enough to add ALIAS names to image list of a secondary server
Version 7.5f 
      -- BASE package
       * You must mark image names with LMOUNT to allow a local installation.
       * New kind of OMA Boot CD for dist3.0 clients.
       * Alternative login at ALT-F2 on OMA Boot CD dist3.0.
       * New methods for Solaris x86 (rsh4root and ssh4root).
         This is useful for online deloyment of SOMA packages.
       * Modified methods for Windows XP to support DHCP on card 2-9 and
         to support customized hostnames as computer names.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can get the REGEDIT4 files before.reg and after.reg ONLINE.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New menu items to transfer single networks, locations,
         server settings and image settings manually. 
      -- ROMA add on package
       * Extra index file for ROMA clients to show only ROMA clients,
         if you want restore a ROMA backup.
Version 7.5e 
      -- BASE package
       * You must mark image names with L2MOUNT to allow a local storage.
       * You can use OMA printers for Solaris x86 installations.
       * The l2mount login accounts allow now ALIAS names.
       * The l2mount login accounts allow now local backups,
         if you save images to local devices (e.g. USB disks).
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Data transfer, if you copy a software package.
       * Data transfer, if you edit a generated file of software package.
       * Data transfer, if you select a final default action of software.
       * Data transfer, if you select another method of software.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You have now a own REGEDIT4 filter file for each package.
       * You can modify the REGEDIT4 filter file of each package.
Version 7.5d 
      -- BASE package
       * You can copy user lists of images and clients.
       * New scripts for SuSE 10 to handle parallel boot mode.
       * You can do more things, if your OMA server is also a OMA client.
         e.g. Read partition table from the own management partition
         e.g. Read hardware group settings for own client installations.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Offline data transfer between OMA servers, transfer Kunde2 too.
Version 7.5c 
      -- BASE package
       * More menu items to handle the Local Image Partition (LIP)
      -- SOMA add on package
       * The internal copy of big software packages avoid now cpio
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Pattern transfer OMA servers update image lists too
Version 7.5b 
      -- BASE package
       * New image type apple_darwin_ufs_archiv_cpio
       * New image type apple_darwin_ufs_archiv_cpio_no_files
Version 7.5a ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New method mount_darwin_ufs to handle MacOS with MacOS
Version 7.4z 
      -- BASE package
       * New PREPUTIMG method 
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item to copy a software group
Version 7.4y 
       * New image type apple_darwin_hfs_archiv_cpio
       * New image type apple_darwin_hfs_archiv_cpio_no_files
Version 7.4x 
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure volume names for partitions
       * New method mount_darwin_hfs to handle MacOS with MacOS
       * New PREGET method 
       * New PREGETIMG method 
       * New PREPUTIMG method 
Version 7.4w ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * You can read new images ONLINE from the Local Image Partition (LIF)
         This is useful, to copy a new image later to the OMA server
       * The name for the new transfer cycle to get images ONLINE is:
       * MacOS X can be converted to a management partition
         This is useful to use external drives for backup and restore
Version 7.4v
      -- BASE package
       * You can save new images to the Local Image Partition (LIF)
         This is useful, if you have a second hard disk on client
       * The name for the new transfer cycle to get images is:
Version 7.4u
      -- BASE package
       * The login omapart allow you to set partition table to 255h/63s.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * The package information compare the filters with the examples.
Version 7.4t
      -- BASE package
       * instm on OMA Boot CD looks for a z_Noserver configuration.
       * LOCALinstall OMA give you more info, if you write to USB.
Version 7.4s
      -- BASE package
       * New item to add none OMA clients to hosts and DNS too.
       * New item to delete none OMA clients from hosts and DNS.
       * New global value to set new serial number in DNS files.
Version 7.4r
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel 2.6.16-rc5 is now a part of OMA.
       * Kernel is removed from OMA.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item to test software installations at user logons.
Version 7.4q
      -- BASE package
       * New menu item to set new network values 
         to image specific configurations of clients.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Pre- and Post-methods to remove software packages.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * TOMA transfer if you allow/deny packages for images.
      ** One Patch
       * Rename of groups works again on other servers.
Version 7.4p
      -- BASE package
       * You can deny OMA server list on a management partition.
       * New menu item to set new network values to a list of clients.
       * You must allow DHCP for a subnet, if OMA build the DHCP file.
       * More menu items to check predefined data collections.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can put an OMA server on a bootable USB hard disk.
         The usage is restricted to the omalight menu itmes.
Version 7.4o
      -- BASE package
       * More parameters to deploy indirectly (e.g. allnogenf).
       * New menu item to edit a list of allow rootdevices of clients.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New menu items to handle software installations at user logons.
Version 7.4n
      -- BASE package
       * New client parameters (INFOLINE, LOGONNAME, LOGONPASSWD)
       * The LOGONNAME is set to the login window for NT/2000/XP, if you 
         use a _2_ method (e.g. w2000_setupcl_2_joinwg_hostname_ipaddr)
       * OMA make a final AutoAdminLogin, if you set LOGONPASSWD too.
Version 7.4m ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New menu item to edit a list of allow bootdevices of servers.
       * New menu item to edit a list of allow rootdevices of servers.
       * New OMAinsmod module for kernel 2.4.18
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Each server has own lists of allow devices for
         LOCALinstall OMA devices (boot- and rootdevices).
Version 7.4l
      -- BASE package
       * A bootable disk drive can be used as OMA boot device.
         e.g. a bootbale USB stick works like an OMA Boot CD
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can compare software packages even if all
         allow software partitions are in use.
Version 7.4k
      -- BASE package
       * RealTek driver for RTL8169s/8110s version 2.3 is
         now a part of the kernel _all_you_can_eat.2.6.13
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can predefine a final action for software packages.
Version 7.4j
      -- BASE package
       * You have now w2000_user_setupcl methods.
       * You have now w2000srv_user_setupcl methods.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can configure automatic removement of OMAindi_getf files.
Version 7.4i
      -- BASE package
       * New methods wXP_*_setupcl_joinwg_*_2nd for Windows XP
         These are useful, if you must have a netware client.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can set a timeout value for each OMA server.
         This is useful, if you have dialer connections
         to other servers or another server is very slow.
Version 7.4h ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New items to create NFSroot OMA boot disks.
         e.g. a bootbale USB stick works like a NFSroot OMA Boot CD
Version 7.4g
      -- BASE package
       * Automatic pattern detection based now on an open scan.
       * New item to remove all MAC addresses on OMA boot CD.
       * More login accounts on OMA boot CD to install
         management partition and image.
Version 7.4f
      -- BASE package
       * New item to add autoinst entry on OMA boot CD to install
         management partition from CD.
       * New item to add autoinst entry on OMA boot CD to install
         management partition from CD and image from OMA server
Version 7.4e
      -- BASE package
       * New alternative methods for Windows 2000 to join workgroup.
       * New alternative methods for Windows XP to join workgroup.
         These methods set the SID with setupcl.exe and join 
         workgroup with netdom.exe version 1.8 to avoid the
         usage of the sysprep mini setup.
Version 7.4d
      -- BASE package
       * BCM5700_8.2.18 driver is in the kernel 2.6.12
       * BCM5700_8.2.18 driver is in the kernel 2.6.13
       * sk98lin_v8.23.1.3 driver is in the kernel 2.6.12
       * sk98lin_v8.23.1.3 driver is in the kernel 2.6.13
       * New reiserfs 3.6.2 PREPUT methods for linux archiv images.
       * New reiserfs 3.6.19 PREPUT methods for linux archiv images.
       * New mke2fs 1.28 PREPUT methods for linux archiv images.
Version 7.4c
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel 2.6.13 is available
       * Kernel 2.6.12 is available
       * New reiserfs 3.6.2 PREPUT methods for linux archiv images.
       * New reiserfs 3.6.19 PREPUT methods for linux archiv images.
       * New mke2fs 1.28 PREPUT methods for linux archiv images.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You see all empty directoreis, if you unpack a package.
       * Extra filters to remove empty directories if necessary.
       * Extra filters for the creation of 0user.reg files.
Version 7.4b
      -- BASE package
       * xomar has now 5 icon rows to handle clients in rooms.
       * New NFSroot OMA build support for Solaris 10.
       * New DISKless OMA build support for Solaris 10.
       * OMA BOOT CD is now always in the language of the creator,
         even another language is defined for a client.
Version 7.4a ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * The nextimage statement has imagemode parameters.
       * The nextimage statement has managemode parameters.
       * The imagemode parameters are available for client lists
       * The managemode parameters are available for client lists
Version 7.3z
      -- BASE package
       * Work around for Windows XP netdom.exe bug (c:\... syntax error).
      -- SOMA add on package
      ** One Patch
       * Menu item "Copy all lists before software installation" works again.
Version 7.3y
      -- BASE package
       * Update.get stop on unchecked file system (e.g. for Solaris).
       * bootpc-0.64-5 is in use to support network queries with 
         loadable modules for network cards on OMA boot CD and
         on management partition too.
Version 7.3x
      -- BASE package
       * dist3.0 has a new vmstat command to support newer systems.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * CD #2 contain windows_scan packages for your pleasure.
Version 7.3w
      -- BASE package
       * Marvell/Yukon network driver v8.23.1.3 is available
         in _all_you_can_eat. and in kernel source.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Sec. servers have only OMAindi_getf files for allow images.
Version 7.3v
      -- BASE package
       * PCMCIA modul for kernel 2.4.28 support the 3c575 card
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Extra menu items to split software packages.
       * Extra menu items to transfer splitted software packages
         to the LOCALinstall OMA software source (e.g. D:).
         This is useful to pre deploy software packages to
         mobile clients behind small network connections.
Version 7.3u ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Default ssh options for new OMA server installations are
         -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no
       * The program mkisofs must support the option -joliet-long.
         Install at least version 2.0 of mkisofs to support this.
      ** One Patch
       * Deployment to client lists with a RB1ST deployment cycle
         check for ONLINE access to each client firstly.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item to copy file lists from one package to another.
       * Global config values are used for new software packages.
       * New opts mode to transfer software packages ONLINE to
         use LOCALinstall OMA as the software source.
       * New modes optoWoL and optsWoL to wake up systems
         before ONLINE software deployment starts.
Version 7.3t
      -- BASE package
       * New login instil on OMA boot CD/DVDs to install both in one step.
       * New login instmil on OMA boot CD/DVDs to install 
         management partition, image and local image partition in one step.
       * New WPTAB cycles are available to put images to running systems.
         This is useful, if you can not use a bootprom (e.g. PXE).
Version 7.3s
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel is included
       * You can add images and software packages to OMA boot CD/DVDs.
       * New item to add autoinst configuration on OMA boot CD/DVDs.
       * New login insti on OMA boot CD/DVDs to install images directly.
       * New login instl on OMA boot CD/DVDs to install local image partition.
Version 7.3r
      -- BASE package
       * New post put special effect for sparc system
      ** One Patch
       * Edit a bootmanager file of client for an image.
Version 7.3q ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Another network membership change the DNS reverse files,
         if OMA has to maintain the DNS data base.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can allow/deny images for softwaregroups
       * You find some useful SOMA package on OMA CD #2.
         - sshd for windows
         - load_all_0user_registry_keys for windows
Version 7.3p
      -- BASE package
       * New item to deploy client configuration online to an IP address.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * ONLINE OFFLINE postput procedures are possible per package.
       * ONLINE OFFLINE postput procedures are usable ONLINE and OFFLINE.
       * Final postput procedures are possible per package.
       * Uncompress configuration for the software online deployment.
         You can switch this job from client to server.
Version 7.3o
      -- BASE package
       * A many_modules OMAinsmod module is available for kernel 2.4.28.
       * A many_tunes OMAinsmod module is available for kernel 2.4.28.
       * OMA server is running on familar 0.8.1 linux (iPAQ H5550).
       * Same /etc/group file for dist2.0 and dis3.0.
       * Mount /tmp from NFS is working now for dist2.0 management.
         You must update dist2.0 management partitions to do this.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can set an ONLINE transfer protocol for each package.
       * You can build compressed tar files of software packages.
         This is useful to deploy software to pure OS2 online
Version 7.3n ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Menu item to allow BOOTP answers on OMA Boot CD.
       * Extra client parameter to mount /tmp from NFS.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item for different OFFLINE read access on partitions
       * Menu item for different OFFLINE write access on partitions
       * Menu item to delete different access settings
Version 7.3m
      -- BASE package
       * New group omauser
       * New account omauser
       * A user can handle his own client with omauser.
       * You can have an extra omauser password for each client.
       * You can have an empty passphrase for the omauser login.
       * Personal accounts can switch to omauser with /bin/omauser.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu items to allow packages for omauser
       * The omauser menu has two SOMA itmes
         - Deploy software to your client
         - Delete software on your client
Version 7.3l
      -- BASE package
       * New generated method for OS2 (hostssrv).
       * More menu items in omalight, xomal and xomr.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Remove packages online has a new order to remove packages.
         (1st registry keys, 2nd files, 3th masterdir)
Version 7.3k
      -- BASE package
       * Full OS2 hpfs read/write support.
       * New generated method for OS2 (dhcp).
       * ONLINE deployment of software packages to OS2.
       * A startcode is now allow for archiv images.
       * New method Make_one_file_system_4_os2___________2_vfat16
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can configure extra DNS lookup for ONLINE deployment.
         This is useful, if you manage with fixed IP addresses,
         but you work with dynamic DHCP under the OS (e.g. Windows)
       * Automatic OFFLINE deployment of 0user.reg files
Version 7.3j
      -- BASE package
       * Loadable module support for Broadcom Gigabit BCM5700 7.3.5 
         driver with the kernels 2.6.9
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item to deploy software to clients simultaneously.
       * Menu item to deploy software to clients consecutively.
       * Overrun of maximum licence counter stops deployment.
Version 7.3i
      -- BASE package
       * Support of md5sum for online software package scan.
         This is useful for familar linux systems.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item to delete software on clients simultaneously
       * Menu item to delete software on clients consecutively
       * Menu item to create 0user.reg files.
       * Extra ONLINE postput method to handle 0user.reg files.
       * .bin/aauser.bat can be used to load all 0user.reg files,
         if a new user logon to windows and if you have a suitable
         AutoStart entry for all users. Best practice is to build 
         a software package with aauser.bat and the AutoStart entry.
Version 7.3h
      -- BASE package
       * You can get the image special effects online.
         This is useful to read partition tables from running clients.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Client lists for installed software packages.
         This is useful to remove software from clients.
Version 7.3g
      -- BASE package
       * Online deployment of IP configuration only.
       * LOCALinstall OMA ask your for the file system on your
         local storage devices (.e.g. USB, mobile disk, ...)
Version 7.3f
      -- BASE package
       * You must configure the BIND program name in global settings.
       * xomar has a complete icon set to support icon based operators.
Version 7.3e
      -- BASE package
       * IP name support for the default gateway of network.
       * IP name and address support of default gateway in the hosts file.
       * Nice icons are now available in the xomar menu interface.
Version 7.3d ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Loadable module support for Broadcom Gigabit BCM5700 7.3.5 
         driver with the kernels 2.4.21 and 2.4.28.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Only allow images are visible on secondary servers.
       * Default kernel is now _all_you_can_eat.2.4.28
Version 7.3c
      -- BASE package
       * More expansive test to check all images
      -- TOMA add on package
       * More menu itmes to equalize secondary servers.
       * No longer root access to secondary servers.
       * No longer deployment methods of servers.
Version 7.3b
      -- BASE package
       * You can have md5sum as your checksum program.
Version 7.3a 
      -- BASE package
       * Menu item to burn NFSroot OMA boot CDs.
Version 7.2z 
      -- BASE package
       * Solaris 10 sparc support
       * Kernel 2.4.28 support is available.
       * Kernel 2.4.18, 2.4.19 and 2.4.20 are no longer supported.
       * insmod 2.4.27 is in use.
       * Default kernel is now none_scsi_driver.2.4.21.
Version 7.2y ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Menu item to only reboot a client remotly.
       * Menu item to run 1st custom method to put images only.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * Automatic dist2.0/dist3.0 root path selection.
Version 7.2x
      -- BASE package
       * Solaris 10 x86 support
       * New ext2/ext3 methods to support certain e2fsprogs version.
       * Extra global parameter for ssh client options.
       * Menu item to install management partition and
         the partition table for an already installed image.
Version 7.2w
      -- BASE package
       * SSH server support on OMA boot CD.
       * All OMAextern files are now packed in cpiogzip files.
         You must redefine your external individual file definitions !!
         OLD is e.g. 1:OMAextern/linux/usr/local:/usr/local
         NEW is e.g. 1:linux:/
       * All programs are looking for a single client SSH setting.
         This is useful to test SSH configurations on a single client.
Version 7.2v
      -- BASE package
       * All OMAindi_getf files are now packed in cpiogzip files.
       * Menu items to unpack/pack OMAindi_getf files.
       * OMA support exclude filter files for hardware scans. 
       * OMA support substitute filter files for hardware scans. 
       * New possible account arosoft on the management partition.
         This account must be used for remote logins,
         if dist3.0 is in use on the management partition
         or NFSroot OMA dist3.0 is in use.
Version 7.2u
      -- BASE package
       * Menu item to create a complete authorized_keys file for SSH.
       * New set of xoma start procedures (xoma, xomal, xomam and xomar)
      -- BOMA add on package
       * dist2.0/dist3.0 support, 
         if you deploy the management partition per bootprom
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Example scripts for the deployment of MSI packages
       * Menu item for base installation with software
         This is useful to have pool computers without
         idividual settings but with a complete installation.
Version 7.2t ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * Menu items to handle the hosts file (e.g. /etc/hosts)
       * Extra group to handle the hosts file (omanet).
       * More checks for LOCALinstall OMA.
       * A configured OMA bootserver is the bootparams server.
         This is useful, if a OMA server has more than one
         network card to support the BOOTPARAM protocol.
Version 7.2s 
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure ssh access for single networks.
       * You can configure ssh access for hardware groups.
       * You can configure ssh access for disk pattern.
       * You can configure ssh access for single clients.
       * You can format reiserfs on local OMA image partitions.
       * New WPTAB cycles to get images from running systems.
         This is useful, if you can not use a bootprom (e.g. PXE).
       * You can allow a single hardware group to get a certain image.
         This is useful, if you have more than one kind of master 
         computers and you want not get an image from a wrong client.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can remove ipkg packages ONLINE now.
Version 7.2r
      -- BASE package
       * LOCALinstall OMA support on dist3.0 management partitions.
       * LOCALinstall OMA support archiv images.
       * You can have dist3.0 on OMA management partitions,
         if you set the HARDWARE value of client to Linux.dist3.0
      -- SOMA add on package
       * ONLINE deployment of ipkg packages is supported now.
       * Menu item to create ONLINE only software packages.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Menu item to check all servers.
Version 7.2q
      -- BASE package
       * The account omamini use only ALIAS image names.
       * The account omamini has only four menu items.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can deny bootserver activities for a single OMA server.
       * Don't resolve ALIAS, if copy images to secondary servers.
      ** One Patch
       * Menu item to get all informations about a server.
Version 7.2p ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * ask for userdel and groupdel actions.
       * Update.clientinfo shows the .o files of an initial ramdisk.
       * New OMAinsmod modul with tuning parameters for network cards
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Menu items to handle SSH keys for each server.
       * Menu item to get all informations about a server.
Version 7.2o
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure label names for windows images.
       * More informations about an image and a client.
       * You can input the answer file parameters for convert.
         This is useful, if you have named drives e.g. Data (E:)
       * You must call ssh-keygen manually for each OMA account.
         By this way, you can make your kind of keys (RSA, DSA ...)
      -- TOMA add on package
       * All OMA login session use ssh-keygen to provide ssh-add,
         if you not have configured empty passphrases.
Version 7.2n
      -- BASE package
       * PocketPC ipaq H5550 is fully supported as OMA server.
       * New account and startup is available (omamini)
       * New designed individual file settings for Digital Unix (Tru64).
       * New parameter for windows images to set another root device (e.g. f)
         This is useful, if you want to have Windows2000 on c: and XP on f:
       * Linux familiar 0.72 is fully supported as OMA client system.
         (e.g. deploy software and user accounts)
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You must not login on exclusive bootserver of clients.
       * TToma.install install missing TFTP bootfiles.
       * You can set the receieve mode for a single server to ssh.
Version 7.2m ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * instn is a new extra login on OMA boot CD to setup IP manually.
       * OMA modify dhcpd.conf files even a subnet declaration is missing.
       * New generated methods for Linux to have a full qualified hostname.
Version 7.2l 
      -- BASE package
       * dist3.0 is usable to install images over OMA boot CD.
       * OMAinsmod modul for the prism2_pci WILAN card
       * linux-wlan-ng-0.2.1pre21 is available in OMA.
       * armv5tel is a new OMA server platform (Linux on iPAQ)
       * You can install OMA on an ext2 formatted CF card (Linux on iPAQ)
       * You can set an extra bootserver of client on all OMA config levels.
       * You can set an extra TFTP server of client on all OMA config levels.
       * The extra TFTP server is the NFSroot server for Digital Unix too.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can have different BOOTP/DHCP server programs on each bootserver.
       * You can have different TFTP server programs on each bootserver.
         e.g. Solaris OMA server has RARP, BOOTP, BOOTPARAM and secure TFTP. 
         e.g. Linux OMA server has DHCP and the hpa TFTP server.
              A Sparc client boot complete from the Solaris OMA server.
              A PXE client boot complete from the Linux OMA server.
              A Digital Unix client got the BOOTP answer from Solaris, 
                                    load the TFTP files from Linux and 
Version 7.2k                        mount his root filesystem from Linux
      -- BASE package
       * dist3.0 is usable to install images over NFSroot OMA.
       * X-Window mask of network configuration offer global network values.
       * More checks for the DISKless OMA boot of Digital Unix (Tru64).
       * The tool dvdrecord is supported by OMA menu items.
       * You can select filters when you search for files to be retrieved.
         This is useful to delete e.g. pagfile.sys automatically 
         from the file list of a hardware group.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Menu items to copy ROMA backups to other servers.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * We make a check of package file lists, 
         when you have made a manual manipulation with your editor.
      ** One Patch of 7.2j
       * Make REGEDIT4 files works again.
      -- ROMA add on package
       * Index based backup directory structure is in use now.
Version 7.2j 
      -- BASE package
       * dist3.0 is usable to create NFSroot OMA bootdisk.
       * LOCALinstall OMA is working on vfat formatted USB sticks.
       * LOCALinstall OMA has more checks and infos.
       -- TOMA add on package
       * X-Window mask of server configuration offer global server values.
       * ROMA checksums list file for each OMA server.
       -- ROMA add on package
       * Checksums for each backup file.
       * Make checksums and permissions on the server side in an extra loop.
Version 7.2i ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * New methods for Windows 2000 to run setupcl without sysprep.
       * Menu item to copy one bootmanager file from image to image.
       * Directory dist2.0 has now mkswap version 2.11
         Update the management partition to have the new mkswap.
       * Preput method Make_swap_partition_4_linux__________2_mkswap 
         need the new mkswap command on the management partition.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New menu dialog to create a REGEDIT4 file of a package.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Server data collection makes one cpio file per group.
Version 7.2h 
      -- BASE package
       * You can make image uncompress checks later.
       * The check of all images make missing image uncompress checks.
       * Directory dist3.0 is an alternative NFSroot OMA filesystem.
      ** One Patch
       * You can set the image type linux___swap_____partition again.
Version 7.2g
      -- BASE package
       * Menu item to put MPs and images to clients over a loop.
       * Menu items to copy other kernels and initrd file to OMA.
       * New methods for Windows 2000 server to run setupcl without sysprep.
       * New methods for Windows 2003 to run setupcl without sysprep.
         This avoid the possible driver destruction of sysprep 2.0.
       * The second chance to umount is now umount -n.
         This is useful for NFSroot read only filesystems.
      ** One Patch
       * The image special effect
         works again when you put an image to readonly NFSroot OMA.
Version 7.2f
      -- BASE package
       * Menu item to copy image specific bootmanager files of pattern.
       * Transfer cycles are now supported too, when you get images.
       * Automatic hardware group adjustment is possible.
       * New methods for Windows XP to run setupcl without sysprep.
         This avoid the possible driver destruction of sysprep 2.0.
Version 7.2e
      -- BASE package
       * More menu items to update a management partition.
       * You can recreate all imagespecific client configurations.
       * We set the permissons for OMAmount in background.
       * The client information shows the initial ramdisk configuration.
      ** One Patch
       * Indirect image transfer works again over NFSroot OMA.
      -- TOMA add on package
      ** One Patch
       * Data transfer works again, when you select another kernel.
Version 7.2d ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * FreeBSD user account creation handle now multiple groups per user. 
      -- SOMA add on package
       * ONLINE and OFFLINE procedures are now in the same sub menu.
       * Menu items to handle offline add in methods.
       * Deeper default file filter settings for Windows XP/2000/NT/ME.
Version 7.2c
      -- BASE package
       * New kernel none_ip_scsi_net.2.4.21 for CDROM boot only environments.
       * You can configure extra options for Windows user account creation.
       * You can configure extra groups for Windows user account creation.
       * Methods for Windows NT usage the extra Windows user options.
       * Methods for Windows 2003 to run sysprep with the -pnp option.
       * The program adialog support the $LAST$ makro for input questions.
       * The new adialog and xomalr are available for all platforms.
       * OMA ignore unknown clients in lists, when you create an OMA boot CD.
       * New OMAinsmod modul 
      ** One Patch
       * The menu item 'Define private individual files' works again.
Version 7.2b
      -- BASE package
       * The program xomalr has now some nice icons.
       * A deeper check of DNS config files, managed by OMA.
       * A deeper check of nslookup results.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Cross over DHCP sets/resets are made for boot file links too.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can configure different file systems for software partitions
       * You can filter existing file lists again and again and again
       * A deeper REGEDIT4 filter configuration
Version 7.2a
      -- BASE package
       * Extra group omadmins to hide omaadm for omalight users.
       * New alternative X-Window based GUI for OMA operators (xomalr)
       * New generated methods for MacOS X to generate user accounts.
Version 7.1z
      -- BASE package
       * New menu items for omalight and xomal
       * Methods for Windows 2000 to run sysprep with the -pnp option.
       * The account oma ask only one question to install the last image.
       * The account oma ask more questions, if you allow more images.
Version 7.1y
      -- BASE package
       * New type of image - linux_swap
       * OMA support initrd files for Linux images on the management partition
Version 7.1x
      -- BASE package
       * An oma2macos script is available to setup MacOS X for OMA.
       * Generated methods for MacOS X.
       * New pre put image special effect to format hfs partitions.
       * New methods for Windows XP to run sysprep with the -pnp option.
Version 7.1w
      -- BASE package
       * New type of image - apple_hfs_archiv_hcopy
       * New type of image - apple_hfs_archiv_hcopy_oma_shuttle
       * Overall individual files are now in OMAsuperclient/OMAindi_genf
Version 7.1v
      -- BASE package
       * Client update create missing imagespecific client configurations.
       * Automatic pattern adjustment on indirect management installations.
Version 7.1u ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * You can put a management partition by bootprom with NFSroot read only.
       * More menu items to update management partitions on client lists.
       * Newer OMA boot cd for Macintosh systems (20 MB ramdisk, syslogd ...)
       * Deeper logfile for indirect installation of management partition
       * support Yellow Dog Linux distributions
      ** One Patch of 7.1t
       * Ok again: Individual file transfer to NFSroot OMA based clients
      -- TOMA add on package
       * TOMA transaction, when you copy a pattern.
      ** One Patch
       * OMA delete customized methods on other servers again
Version 7.1t
      -- BASE package
       * Extra menu tree to burn bootable start CDs for Linux.
       * Automatic pattern adjustment ignore PTBL messages.
       * Menu item for a short client update (IP- and Mac-address).
Version 7.1s
      -- BASE package
       * Menu item to reset a client to actual default values.
       * Menu item to reset a client list to actual default values.
       * Menu item to copy management partition tables on server.
       * Automatic pattern adjustment can be group dependend.
       * More new image types for Digital Unix (Tru64).
       * You can set extra mount options to get an archiv image
         e.g. Digital Unix old ufs style needs this: -r -o dirty
      ** One Patch
       * The account omacln can now install a management partition
Version 7.1r
      -- BASE package
       * You can set automatic image specific client configuration
         This parameter is an image configuration value
         This parameter is taken only, when you add new clients
       * Local admin password (NTLOCPASSWD) is a new parameter for W2K/XP
         OMA run RunOnce after sysprep, if this key has a value
         By default OMA restore the original file boot.ini by this way
       * You can save the files mdevices.cfg and devices.reg for each image
         This is useful, when you must delete or add keys after sysprep
       * New menu item to get the mdevices.reg file from a client
         By default OMA use this to restore MountedDevices for W2K/XP
      ** One Patch
       * No double values in image specific client configuration files.
Version 7.1q
      -- BASE package
       * New image types for Digital Unix (Tru64).
       * You must set the bootfile name for Digital Unix (Tru64)
         So you can have extra bootfiles for each hardware group.
       * More support for vdump archive images on Digital Unix (Tru64)
         You can save and restore vdump images on ufs and advfs systems.
       * You can set seconds to wait for drivers
         This is useful, if a client has network contact but the
         loadable hard disk drivers need time to find all hard disks.
Version 7.1p
      -- BASE package
       * New Login account omacln to add clients as simple as possible.
       * New menu item to remove all clients on a OMA Boot CD collection.
       * Extra dialog on OMA Boot CD with no clients (ask for name, ip etc.).
       * Five new methods for Windows NT PDC (wnt40dc_2_ntfs_sid_user)
       * Login accounts xoma and xomal are no longer supported.
         Use an authorized OMA user and run xoma or xomal instead.
       * Extra support for Digital Unix Version 4 (Old devices /dev/rz..)
         You must set the HARDWARE parameter to digi5 or to digi4
Version 7.1o
      -- BASE package
       * New menu item for automatic pattern detection.
       * New menu item to create a universal boot disk with lilo.
       * Linux ppc kernel 2.4.22 to support new Mac systems.
       * You can set automatic pattern detection as default value ...
         This set the pattern before the installation of mangement partition.
      -- ROMA add on package
       * New format for the backup configuration files.
       * Permission restore commands are build on the server side.
Version 7.1n ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * OMAinsmod module support for Broadcom 440 Ethernet Adapter
       * OMAinsmod module support for AT-2450/2700 Ethernet Adapter
       * Extra management mount points for each image partition.
       * Menu item to remove all images of one ALIAS agreement.
       * oma4others support (Access to the last client installation command)
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can copy a software package to create a new one.
       * Support of software packages which are only on further partitions.
         This is useful for Unix if /home is your 2nd software partition and
         /home/software.oma/package hold the software package.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * OMA collect oma4others informations on the OMA base server.
Version 7.1m
      -- BASE package
       * Tranfer of OMA-getf-files to advfs file systems
       * Tranfer of OMA-genf-files to advfs file systems
       * Menu item to copy all bootmanager files from one image to another.
       * 8390.o is now available in each pcmcia OMAmodul of 2.4 kernels.
       * Multiline help text support in xrdialog masks.
       * Menu items to create NFSroot OMA boot diskettes for unknown servers.
       * New image types for Digital Unix 5 (Tru64).
       * Extra chapter for Mac system management.
       * New post put image special effect for Digital Unix 5 (Tru64)
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can select different final actions for software package transfers.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * You can set extensions for links on boot file names
         This can be used to communicate with external none OMA boot servers
Version 7.1l
      -- BASE package
       * Support for vdump archive images of Digital Unix 5 (Tru64).
       * Extra menu tree for lilo based NFSroot boot diskettes.
       * Extra menu tree for loadlin based NFSroot boot diskettes.
       * Client name is in use for BOOTPARAMD configuration (not HOSTNAME).
       * Link file support for bootprom clients (e.g. client.X -> bootfile.X)
       * You can config Link file support on all OMA default config levels.
       * Extra sub menu tree to make file lists of ALIAS agreements.
Version 7.1k
      -- BASE package
       * You can have a base hosts file to supply entries for none OMA clients.
       * Kernel 2.6 support is available (2.6.0-test7).
       * Kernel 2.4.21 contain the Broadcom Gigabit networkcard driver 7.0.0
       * Kernel 2.4.21 use the original e100 driver for Intel e100 cards.
       * Support for AdvFS file system type of Digital Unix 5 (Tru64).
       * You can define a final command for each disk pattern.
         This is useful for Sparc system to set nvram values with eeprom.
Version 7.1j
      -- BASE package
       * A set of methods is available for Windows 2003 Server.
       * Extra w2tools2003 directory for Windows 2003 tools (e.g. sysprep).
       * OMA module directory for Emulex_FibreChannel_lpfc-4.21g.
       * You can define a copy of XFree86 3.6 for the management partitions.
      -- BOMA add on package
       * OMA change dots to underscores in bootfile name extensions.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can define a default image directory for new images.
Version 7.1i ---####--- Major Release ---####---
      -- BASE package
       * A defined initial ramdisk take effect on a OMA boot CD.
       * Menu item to copy predefined image collections.
       * The account lmount1 give you three chances to insert the right CD.
       * You can define an extra directory to copy images as image hint.
       * You can create a NFSroot OMA bootdisk with lilo on the diskette.
       * A defined kernel take effect on a OMA boot CD for Mac systems.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Software package transfer realize a backup on the destination server.
Version 7.1h
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure a master directory to save image splits.
       * You can cut and copy example text in the X-Windows masks.
       * The login accounts lmount1 to lmount9 works with image splits.
       * You can have LOCALinstall OMA CD collections without clients.
       * New set of image transfer cycles (124 cycles are availbale).
       * You can create a alternative NFSroot OMA boot disk (no loadlin).
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You have an extra submenu to filter existing file lists again.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can have a master directory for image splits for each server.
Version 7.1g
      -- BASE package
       * You can add, edit and remove printer files directly.
       * You have printer support for Solaris sparc and Solaris x86.
       * OMA support one script for each definded printer.
       * OMA support one optional script for each definded printer.
Version 7.1f
      -- BASE package
       * OMA imageuser can have image specific configuration values.
         (other login shells, uid, gid, add on groups, homes and ...)
       * The check of all images repair wrong or missing image links,
         if the file LINKINFO ia available in the image directory.
       * You can handle OMA clients over AVM PCMCIA ISDN cards.
       * You can have image special effects of image on hardware groups.
Version 7.1e
      -- BASE package
       * The global check is looking for right diskette drive permissions.
       * The global check is looking for a image directory definition.
       * Image information show permissiontype and imagetype.
       * You can copy individual files to reiserfs filesystems.
       * OMA add now users before software packages on Solaris.
         This is useful for StarOffice, which must have files for each user.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Total equalisation of OMA servers is redesigned (more checks).
       * Menu item to view logfile of primary server equalisation.
       * Menu item to view logfile of secondary server equalisation.
Version 7.1d
      -- BASE package
       * You can have a hard disk ID string for each disk pattern.
       * You can not put a management partition on clients
         with a wrong disk ID, if you have a disk ID definition.
       * New parameter is in use for all sysprep based methods
         DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
      -- SOMA add on package
       * You can select different predefined offline filter settings.
       * Each package has his own offline filter definitions.
       * Menu item to delete all unpacked software directories.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Restricted actions on secondary server for unknown clients.
Version 7.1c
      -- SOMA add on package
       * The offline filter file is in use for software partitions too.
Version 7.1b
      -- BASE package
       * Loadable module support for Broadcom Gigabit BCM5700 6.0.2d 
         driver with the kernels 2.4.19, 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * New menu item
         You can copy offline data collections of servers over the network.
Version 7.1a
      -- BASE package
       * Kernel 2.4.21 is available
       * LOCALinstall OMA use less space to put hardware groups on CDROM.
Version 7.0z
      -- BASE package
       * Additional dhcp.conf file name is supported (dhcp.conf.oma2a).
         This name write ddns-update-style none;
      -- BOMA add on package
      ** One Patch
       * You can install the management partition over bootprom again.
Version 7.0y
      -- BASE package
       * New transfer cylce 0_ALL_OVER_NETWORK_NOBMU_no_bootmanager_update
         This is useful to reinstall none bootable partitions only.
       * Menu item history in the menu title for faster OMA workshops.
       * New menu item to rebuild all image checksums.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * New menu item to rebuild all software package checksums.
Version 7.0x
      -- BASE package
       * More tests, when you check all images and software packages.
       * Update management partition with reboot write the partition table too.
       * New image special effect in POSTPUTIMGscripte
      ** One Patch
       * You can delete again a single value for one client with one extra menu item.
Version 7.0w
      !! You must run the command "userdel" for omalight, xoma, xomal
      !! before you start the OMA installation with "sh Omainstall".
      -- BASE package
       * Every OMA account must have a own home directory.
       * You can define the usage of ssh without  a empty passphrase.
       * Every account has a own home directory to avoid any ssh conflicts.
         You must modify the OMA accounts manually in old OMA installations.
       * New image special effect in POSTPUTIMGscripte
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Backup level usage, when you pack a package on the server.
      -- TTOMA add on package
       * TTOMA transfer for link/copy OMAindi_getf files.
       * TTOMA transfer for add/remove software to a image of a client.
       * TTOMA transfer for add/remove software group to a image of a client.
Version 7.0v
      -- BASE package
       * The old parameter NETWORKCARD is no longer in use.
       * You can set ALIAS names for the hostname of a client.
       * Menu item to update all networks in /etc/bootptab.
       * Symbolic links are no longer in use for image special effekts.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can configure automatic SOMA package transfer.
       * You can configure automatic SOMA package remove.
       * You can have a lot customized methods for secondary servers.
Version 7.0u
      -- BASE package
       * You can configure warnings about strange computer names.
       * You should do this to find not suitable DNS computer names.
       * Client specific total images are no longer in use.
         Create a pattern for a single client, if you need images,
         which should be used only on one single client.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can define a extra system hosts file for each OMA server.
         e.g. /etc/hosts for Unix
         e.g. /cygdrive/c/winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts for Windows
Version 7.0t
      -- BASE package
       * aic79xx OMA module directory for the 2.4.20 kernel.
      ** One Patch
       * You can delete a initial ramdisk of pattern or group.
Version 7.0s
      -- BASE package
       * OMA high version comes with two CDs.
       * More image types to made the image configuration in one step.
       * You have new transfer cycles too reboot first (RB1ST).
       * RB1ST reboot a running system before installation.
       * RB1ST cycles need bootprom facilities to work.
       * You can made image links for whole disk images.
       * New image special effect in POSTPUTIMGscripte
Version 7.0r
      -- BASE package
       * You can build customized kernels for Mac systems
       * Kernel source tree 2.4.20 for Mac systems
       * Kernel source tree 2.2.19 for Mac systems
       * A removed location is removed from clients in background.
Version 7.0q
      -- BASE package
       * You can check the predefined CD collections.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * OMA rename the client too, when you rename a server.
Version 7.0p
      -- BASE package
       * Omainstall ask you for the account arosoft (optional feature).
       * The account arosoft is useful to work with OMA under X-Window.
       * You can rename predefined CDROM collections.
Version 7.0o
      -- BASE package
       * A new all_you_can_eat 2.4.20 kernel
       * A special all_you_can_eat 2.4.20 kernel for gigabit cards.
       * A set of 2_sid_user methods is available for Windows NT.
       * You have now 187 methods for Windows NT 4.0 in OMA high version.
Version 7.0n
      -- BASE package
       * The Windows OMA server support is now made with MinGW-2.0.0-3.
       * Windows NT SP4 is the reference for OMA servers under Windows.
       * FAT16 is the reference file system for OMA servers under Windows.
       * Cygwin is the unix command reference for OMA servers under Windows.
       * RSH or SSH clients must be available for OMA servers under Windows.
       * You can use any similar Windows platform as OMA server.
Version 7.0m
      -- BASE package
       * You can set PRODUCTID default values on hardware groups.
       * Set a image type, if you want made some definitions very easy.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can rename a existing OMA server in the OMA config base.
Version 7.0l
      -- BASE package
       * OMA check 2nd to 9th IP address and IP name against /etc/hosts.
       * OMA put 2nd to 9th IP address and IP name into the host files.
Version 7.0k
      -- BASE package
       * OMA handle moved interface names for notebooks on docking stations.
       * OMA handle the newer not bug fixed ping command of Linux too.
       * OMA use atftp to chech the TFTP server, when atftp is available.
      ** One Patch
       * A better check at tht end of a checksum file list creation.
      -- SOMA add on package
       * The masterdir definition of a software package can have spaces.
      ** One Patch
       * A new software package has a Tmp and Tmp/Tmp subdirectory.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Transfer of diskette image file, when you read a DOS disk.
Version 7.0j
      -- BASE package
       * Menu items to copy or link image files in all groups or all pattern.
Version 7.0i
      -- BASE package
       * LOCALinstall OMA transfer cycles support extended base installations.
       * Unix user account methods usage the new user data informations.
       * OMA support no longer the transport of encrypted user passwords.
       * You can have a list of add on groups for every user.
Version 7.0h
      -- BASE package
       * New concept for user groups and user accounts.
       * User group values work as default values for user accounts.
       * You can add, delete or modify user groups and their default values.
       * You can realize a complete client installation under Windows.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Extra transfer methods for OMA secondary Windows servers.
       * The offline data transfer between OMA servers handle OMAusersgroups.
Version 7.0g
      -- BASE package
       * Five new methods for Windows NT (1_sid_users).
       * You can use OMA under Windows, when CYGWIN is available.
       * OMA support only omalight on OMA secondary Windows server.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * You can configure /cygdrive/d/omasrv or similar for a
         secondary server, which is running under Windows.
Version 7.0f
      -- BASE package
       * You can use a management partition for LOCALinstall OMA.
      -- TOMA add on package
       * Transfer of OMA server add activity.
       * Transfer of OMA server delete activity.
Version 7.0e
      -- BASE package
       * You must refresh the customized generated methods.
       * New menu item to update the management partition faster.
         This is only necessary for ISDN or MODEM clients.
Version 7.0d
      -- BASE package
       * You can install OMA under Windows, when CYGWIN is available.
       * You can install the CYGWIN software from the OMA CD.
Version 7.0c
      -- BASE package
       * Five new methods for Windows NT PDC (1_user without NTFS).
      -- SOMA add on package
       * Menu item to list all defined clients of a software package.
       * New transfer cycle take software packages from LOCALinstall OMA.
Version 7.0b
      -- BASE package
       * New transfer cycles (only OMAindi_genf over the network).
       * You can put images simultaniously on PC clients too.
Version 7.0a
      -- BASE package
       * You can have predefinded data compilations for CD collections.
       * You can accept BOOT servers as OMA servers automatically.
       * New OMA BOOT CD features (instm2 is the new account).
The following informations are important, if you update an
existing old installation of OMA with a newer version.
You find the differences between the version levels
high, medium and low under
All things are only available in OMA 7 high.
==> If you update from versions older than version 7.1o ...
==> If you update from versions older than version 7.0a ...