These informations are only available in english. If you use OMA, it is not necessary to use this background knowledge, but sometimes it helps to understand and solve some problems (e.g. boot from network does not work due to a wrong setup)
Solaris 11
FreeBSD 9.1
PXE Boot over network
OMA use normally a Linux based secure system management client console. But OMA supports a Windows PE base SSM-Client-Console too. The Windows PE boot use a ramdisk system. The initial boot file must fullfill the requirements of the PreExecutionEnvironment. Therefore the first bootfile has a limited size. Only the right initial bootfile is able to load all follow up files until the Windows PE miniroot system. Some of the file names must match subdirectories of a Windows file system. This is no a problem for the UNIX based OMA servers. This is the boot file stack of Windows PE 2.0
- winpe.2.0
- \Boot\BCD
- \Boot\bootfix.bin
- \boot\boot.sdi
- \Boot\etfsboot.com
- \Boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf
- \Boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf
- \Boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf
- \Boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf
- \Boot\fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf
- \Boot\Fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf
- bootmgr.exe
- \sources\boot.wim
PXE Boot over network
Coming soon
EFI Boot over network
Coming soon
Solaris 11
PXE Boot over network
Coming soon
FreeBSD 9.1
PXE Boot over network
The initial boot file is pxeboot. OMA use normally symbolic links to define the initial bootfile for a client (e.g. /tftpboot/s5.PXE -> pxeboot.freebsd.pcbsd91). The DHCP server must have the information about the root file system for the network boot. In the follow up entry the option root-path contains the name of the directory were the root file system for FreeBSD begins.
host s5 { hardware ethernet ac:22:0b:74:5a:75 ; fixed-address s5 ; option host-name "s5" ; option subnet-mask ; option routers ; option root-path "/home1/img.nfsroot/freebsd.pcbsd91/freebsd" ; filename "s5.PXE" ; }
If another OMA server fullfill the requirements of the NFS version,
OMA set the net-server for the client too.
host s5 { hardware ethernet ac:22:0b:74:5a:75 ; fixed-address s5 ; option host-name "s5" ; option subnet-mask ; option routers ; option root-path "/home1/img.nfsroot/freebsd.pcbsd91/freebsd" ; filename "s5.PXE" ; next-server amilos; }
In this case the OMA server amilos has the operating system Solaris 10.
The initial boot file pxeboot comes from next-server amilos
and loads the FreeBSD kernel from the NFS share and the
mount the NFS share as the root file system.
The root file system needs some modifications to prevent the
kernel to mount local disk space. The initial boot file and
the NFS share have to be placed on the same OMA boot server.