Secure Managed Services (SMS)
Each service has it's own console
Highly secure and encrypted access from the outside
After a login on the SMS console, in its simplest form the service operator has only access to the systems which belong to the respective services. Besides, you may also restrict the functions that an operator is allowed to use. For example, one operator may be only authorized to create print servers while another one is only allowed to create printer and printing queues.

Secure Managed Service - Backup
Included in the OMA base version
Deploy backup servers, set up backups, execute recoveries
This service includes putting backup servers into operation via the deployment procedures of OMA. (Windows, Linux, Solaris, MacOS X, etc.). For example, when you put a Sesam backup server into operation, OMA provides the following three components in software packages: First, the backup software itself. Second, the configuration of the backup server. Third, the configuration of all datastores. Creating backup clients and back up jobs can be configured directly in OMA. Direct administrative loggins to the backup servers become therfore obsolete. For recovering systems OMA also provides you with the optin to run seperate SMS consoles. For example, one operator may be only authorized to create backup servers while another one is only allowed to execute recoveries. All recoveries can be preformed without using an image. Instead, it is sufficient to provide a data backup of the clients.

Secure Managed Service - Virtualization
Included in the OMA addon VOMA
Create and deploy virtual systems (e.g. VMware, VirtualBox etc.)
This service contains the deployment of virtualization software on supported host systems, creating any number of guest systems, and the deployment of guest systems via the procedures provided by OMA. Using the managment consoles of the various virtualizations softwares in not needed any longer. OMA supports a vast number of different virtualization softwares (VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V, Xen etc.). Our solution is not only when dealing with server that are specialized in virtualization. You may also want to use OMA when you want to use notebooks as host systems. Setting up several guest systems on a single notbook is no problem. Thus, you may want to run Window 7 on Windows 10 laptos. Or you want to run Solaris or Windows on a technician's laptop. Finally, you may want to use virtual machines when giving trainings on realy machines. All those - any many more scenarios are handled easily with OMA.

Secure Managed Service - Printing
Included in the OMA addon QOMA
The service printing contains installing print servers, deploying print drivers, creating print queues, backing up/restoring the configuration of print queues, configuring the printers via SNMP protocol as well as inventorying the whole service printing. Our addon QOMA enable you to handle the service printing with a single highly secure SMS console. No special software based on the various printer manufacturers is needed. You may also want to use restricted consoles. Those give you for exemple the option to ensure that one operator may be only authorized to create print servers while another one is only allowed to create printer and print queues. All SMS consoles for the service printing support all operating systems which have a print server function (Windows, Linux, Solaris, MacOS X etc.).